FBXL Social

Sexypink | @Sexypink@social.fbxl.net

I'm a chill troll. I like to fuck around. It's nothing personal. I'm just bored. I'm a regular person just like you and I get bored a lot. Talking shit and being a troll online is pretty much the only thing that amuses me at this point.I'm here to pop in and fuck off. I like to joke around and be sarcastic and random. Don't take anything I say personally I'm just joking around so don't be a pussy.Plus, this is like the only place online where I can say the word faggot.

you say really dumb shit I hope you go to prison forever

who the fuck are you and why are you on the internet

did you just learn how to speak English yesterday retard?

that's probably the military branch you would join because it's the least strenuous and stressful and hard and difficult

@pea06 speak English noodle boy

@bjbroderick @neanderthalsnavel @EarlThePearls is too loud shut the fuck up

especially you rumplefugley

and what about your dumbass ? you're not something special either so shut the fuck up internet bitch boy

then they're cock blocking you. go off in your own to find chicks you don't need a herd of men

just don't be a pussy and give up ok ?

I get that privacy reasons. fuck online dude. you need to friends through friends through they're family and their friends friends

do you live in a big city ? city are crazy hit and quit you need to go to like a country side somewhere slower

no idea what that means. but I'm being straight with you man. spill the beans what's the deal

you swear like everyone wants to be a productive member of society

dude. tell me seriously ok? what's your issue with women? are you a big fat pussy or what ? why can't you just ask them out it's not that fucking scary

you're putting way too much thought into that response that I'm not even going to waste my time reading. because you're clearly mentally ill

@confederatehobo you're an idiot what are you 37 and you are jacking off to anime?

@professionalbigot69 I've lost respect for you

@professionalbigot69 if you asked her to have sex with you, I bet she'd say no

@reddit_lisp Speak english Fuck face
