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laughingman | @laughingman@social.fbxl.net

terrorism is a lot more respectable than bootstrapping for gay race communists

I bet if he was trying to bang men instead of having a baby you'd be on his side then, wouldn't you kike faggot.

says the jewish communist. projection. you're the groomer. my morals are better than yours are.

mk has a legitimate grievance and you're just playing defense for team blackrock. kill yourself commie trash

because he got free money for being a jew. a non-solution for 90% of the country. you're just gatekeeping your jew grift.

there's no problems with society goy. everything is your own fault.

-(((poast moderation staff)))

misogyny is based when you're relaxed about it. fags fail this simple task

Trump's re-election signals the beginning of the end for the anti-natalists. They're slowly getting phased out now since they're incapable of getting anyone to enlist with the army or to volunteer to work overtime. It'll take some time but the writing is on the wall already. Their zenith is already behind them.

blame your fag moderation staff for having no balls

It's a zero sum game. Better for white middle class by default equals worse for jews.

your instance, my choice! ๐Ÿ˜†

when will you learn you'll never defed me? I'll just make 100 more alts

Considering the guy who did that was a billionaire who ran the US looks like it worked out pretty great for him.

I agree bootstraps are retarded. That's a high-trust society left over that's irrelevant in occupied conditions.

"blame yourself" is a non-solution to a society wide problem. can't look to people who don't take ownership for any leaders.

no it makes the guy with the cool dog

muh hegelian dialectic lmao. jesus these fuckin tryhards

take it easy handmaid's tale bro

I don't think it's everyone's individual responsibility to bootstrap the dating market back into a functional state. The government should do something to fix that if they want to keep being a nation.

cringe zog grift
