FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

No, it isn't. When I was looking for truly censorship resistant platforms many people were saying telegram, but I looked it up and it was a centralized platform based out of dubai and it's like "um... really?"


You listen to slims music and it's like "this mother fucker wants to tell us how to vote. What's this motherfucker know about voting? Can't maintain a relationship, can't stay off of drugs, can't stop beefing with everyone, and he's an authority on who's gonna guide the economy and protect civil rights?"

FOSS isn't the most polished software at all times, but as long as there's a CEO there's a single guy you can take down, but you can never fully destroy a distributed network. Witness Napster and megaupload vs. BitTorrent.

I went back to some of the sources that I used to use on a regular basis, sources from APM or NPR, and immediately had to stop because they were being a bunch of idiots, uncritically accepting State numbers as true despite the fact that 11 of the 12 of the monthly numbers that they were talking about had been revised downwards.

Particularly for economics or finance news sources, for someone with a couple of brain cells to rub together if you are reading real news, you're going to get insights that let you make decisions in the real world. As an example, I read about the chocolate price exploding, and so I picked up a huge bulk thing of my wife's favorite chocolates on amazon. Immediately after the listing was taken down, presumably because they couldn't get the same stuff to sell at anything near the same price.

Same thing happened with energy, I acquired some gas cans and some gas right before the European energy crisis. Now I misread the tea leaves and didn't end up needing it because there was no energy crisis in america, but given the insane stories coming out of Europe at the time it would have been the right move.

The non-establishment media also was the ones who actually came up with an answer to the question I had when during the market collapse around covid, bond prices also collapsed. This is totally contrary to what we are told would happen by the establishment media, but Independent Media was right there explaining exactly why bonds had collapsed.

The media wasn't even remotely entertaining the idea that Central Bank interest rates could go up in 2020, but thanks to my exposure to Independent media, I understood that it was inevitable and so I paid a significant penalty to refinance my mortgage (in canuckistan 90% of mortgages are 5 year mortgage terms or less), and to do so at a 10 year term. Within a year or so most people will be refinancing their 2% mortgages at 6%, I've got a 2 tail on my mortgage rate until 2030.

Now that doesn't mean that The Independent Media always gets things right. You still need to consider all the possibilities and think for yourself. If you listen to Peter Schiff, gold was going up the whole way from 1900 an ounce to 1200 an ounce. The thing is, at least if you see all the things being reported on you can balance different stories and decide what seems the most likely to be true. With the establishment media it seems like all you end up getting is a bunch of people blindly going "good things are good! Bad things are bad!" In lockstep.

I'm presently using soapbox and rebased from the same developer, and I'm pretty excited to use ditto eventually.

One thing about nostr if you're trying to use it on the run is that a lot of public internet connections won't connect to most relays. So you can have a powerful Central node that can connect the relays for you and present a nice https interface, it means that individuals can have a nostr experience on the road.

Some of the things Plato and Aristotle wrote about politics, and about democracy in general were incredibly prescient and I think everyone should end up reading at least Plato's Republic and Aristotle's politics.

Very occasionally Jon Stewart reminds us of why his crappy little show on comedy Central was one of the most influential on Earth for a little while.

Slavic male chaaaaaan

Ah, the nomadic species of trampoline returning to the suburbs.

If the insurance company ever comes rolling around to my neighbors place, this is their story.

One of my pet peeves with retro tech channels is when they call cards like the 3dfx voodoo a "GPU".

3dfx never made GPUs. The first GPU was the Geforce 256, and for the first time ever you completed transform and lighting calculations on the graphics card, hence their coining of the phrase. Everything before that including voodoo cards only accelerated the rendering of 3d textured pixels and thus were only "3d accelerator cards".


Can you build a gasoline engine from a bunch of assorted blocks of aluminium, brass, and steel?

Wish I could. That's pretty epic.

I always find it odd realizing how many people used to be able to make entertaining and hilarious content and stopped in their tracks and became political robots instead.

I used to love Yugioh abridged. One of my favorite things period. Today there's a nice big "omg I don't actually believe this plz no cancel" on each episode produced. No wonder, it was actually good.


This photo brings back memories. I had a computer like this, right down to the angled hard drive.

Imagine the sort of pins and needles these people live on. You are actually very moderate in my view, if anyone were to start banning you as some sort of extremist, then that paints them.

Strong societies tend to require multiple ideologies to be successful.

For example, Imperial china had Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism which combined to give their society multiple modes of thinking for different situations. Without multiple modes of thinking, the flaws of one ideology end up hamstringing the civilization.

Christianity started in the Middle East and North Africa. It was the dominant religion throughout a large portion of the world at the time prior to the 9th century. The thing is, Christianity is a religion largely based around peace and understanding. Jesus's core message is about forgiving those who trespass against you. When Islam, created by a warlord, came in and started conquering, they had no choice but to submit and turn the other cheek, as Jesus commanded. By contrast, Western Europe combined Christianity with the warrior ethos of the Germanic tribes and remnants of the Roman imperial warrior ethos, and that combination of contradictory ideologies led to a society that had the capacity for tremendous good but also tremendous violence. That's why it continued to exist while North African Christianity was conquered. The softer side of Christianity needed to be tempered by the harder side of Germanic and Roman warrior culture.

A lot of people think that humans ought to be only good and reject evil, but reality is that we are built with the capacity for both good and evil because there are situations where to survive we must sometimes be good and sometimes be evil and the people without capacity for both tend to go extinct. If one cannot make war, then they will not be able to make peace.

In this sense, people claim the fruit of the tree of knowledge is forbidden and that's what got us kicked out of paradise, but it was in fact the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of course eating that fruit would mean we get kicked out of paradise, because in that moment we'd understand we weren't always doing the right thing and sometimes we were doing evil to others and in the same way Adam and Eve realized they were naked and they tried to cover their nakedness, the natural state of things is sometimes evil and there's nothing that can be done about it. We will all need to be naked at some point in our lives, no matter how pious we are. Whether it's when we were born, when we're in the bathroom, while we are producing children, when we bathe, or something else we're always going to be naked at some point, to be imperfect is inevitable in a material world.

Many of the post-Christian ideologies in the postmodern world take on the characteristics of the new testament and lack not only a warrior element, but even the old testament brutal honesty about the nature of the world.

Having the post Christian ideologies wouldn't be a problem in and out of themselves if we still had other ideologies to balance them out, but part of those ideologies is working towards the extinction of all other ideologies, and as a result we are arguably already at the point of monoculture. The problem is that the monoculture lacks a lot of fundamental reality. The Old testament tells us that even a king who deviates from doing the right thing and then later repents will harm their children to the extent that they will no longer be the Kings of the promised land, contrast that with post Christian ideology which doesn't want anyone to be responsible for anything, and considers judging anyone to any standard to be deontologically evil.

This new value system cannot exist in a world where evil exists, and just as evil existed before Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, evil will continue to exist if you have an ideology that claims the only thing that is evil is to call out evil. It seems more or less inevitable that these new value systems that only consider judging others to be evil will eventually be overrun by something else that is if not objectively, then certainly subjectively evil.

I was watching a video recently, where they were claiming the demons in freiren weren't evil because they were just following their nature to deceive and kill. I think that this is a good example of that absurd postmodern ideology in action. If someone's sole motivation is to lie to you in order to kill you, then of course at least to you that person is evil. Just as evil existed before Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, the fact that the demons don't realize what they're doing is evil doesn't make them not evil. It means that they are unthinkingly evil, committing reprehensible Acts without either knowledge or care of whether those acts are evil or not.

Such an ideology can only exist in a Time that is quickly fading, a Time of unprecedented World Peace. And as such ideologies allow for evil to fester and grow, eventually there will need to be a reckoning, and either postmodernists are forced to change their ideology to account for the fact that there's evil without just being misunderstandings, or they will become extinct.

There is a contradiction in my way of thinking here, because the the necessity of the objective reality of the existence of evil stands against the subjectivity of evil which is also undeniable. A rock smashing against another rock so far away from any inhabited planet that no life of any kind could ever be affected likely has no moral component of good or evil, and what is good and what is evil may be quite different between different species -- In The Graysonian Ethic I imagine a sentient black widow spider and how its values may be different than a human in ways we can't imagine. It's a paradox that exists but I don't think can be easily reconciled because objectively evil does exist, regardless of the specific subjective standard being used to measure it, and to ignore that fact will mean reality chooses to destroy you showing that it is real and objective, despite its subjective measurement and nature.

Part of the inherent contradictions in the universe are between the fact that the world is better if we can work together and be social as human beings, but the inherent dangers of being social. For this reason there is a legitimate argument to be made that we ought to try to allow people in because it makes our lives much better having good people in our lives, but there's an equally legitimate argument to be made is that we ought to protect ourselves from others because they can try to harm us to make their lives better. The reconciliation of this contradiction lies in the previous contradiction, the objective reality that you must have subjective standards and they exist and matter regardless of you realize it or not.
