FBXL Social

🌲-alist | @threalist@social.fbxl.net

I understand what you're saying, but at the same time Biden was mentally incapacitated and there was no souring..

They're going to push extremely hard on Kamallama, probably too hard, because they know there isn't much time. It's going to reinvigorate some, but they have a problem that she isn't *actually* a good politician, unlike Obama.

The part that will be to watch for is when the souring happens.

"What can be, unburdened by what has been." sounds like a cartoon villain's catchphrase..

Oh. OK.

Biden is back at the White House. Viral claims that he was dying are unfounded http://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jul/23/fact-checking-viral-claims-about-bidens-health-and/

I'm not encouraging any of you to set up a fake interview but it would be really funny if you did.

Switzerland Now Requires All Government Software To Be Open Source - Switzerland has enacted the "Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Means for the Fu... - https://news.slashdot.org/story/24/07/23/2025220/switzerland-now-requires-all-government-software-to-be-open-source?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed

at this rate the federated timeline is going to be 99.9% libtard astroturf posts

@cjd man, the worst part of anarcho-tyranny and other acts of intentional incompetence, is when innocent corrupt people like this Swiss billionaire show up and think that the intentional incompetence will persist in his case, also.

It must be very frustrating to watch guards stomp around like buffoons, and say "Must have been the wind!" in strangely loud voices, but when you try to sneak past in the same way you're instantly spotted and captured.

interesting idea, I don't feel like I've heard it said like this before.

@pernia @0 @11112011 @DiamondMind @DigitalCheese @Doll @Forestofenchantment @Frank @Sui @Terry @Waerloga @dcc @dick @ins0mniak @j @pwm @syzygy @thatguyoverthere @thebitchisback @threat

I am on-board with destroying all banks if we can do that, but I think it's easier to push adoption of Bitcoin than it is to actually drag bankers into the street and shoot them.

absolutely wild.

A guy on a roof definitely fired shots in the direction of trump and hit members of the crowd killing one of them. Your possibility assumes that Trump was happy for this to happen because he needed this assassination attempt despite leading handily in the polls (which understated his electoral performance in 2016 and 2020) post debate. Prescription: https://image.nostr.build/269a834ad0f0f4eb416c5cef2d693be57346732e03232cfd621299239426f70a.jpg

Tolkien writes a book

Paul Joseph Watson on MeWe
The very same people who'll spend the next 15 weeks lecturing you about "democracy" just ousted a democratically elected candidate in a shadow government coup.

The Bizarre Way It All Ended ttps://youtu.be/7PqkDoRfeYU

via @YouTube

over/under for her creepy nervous giggle

@threalist this is why I also talk about the elite splitting. For a long time there has been no point in elites in any country fighting the US. It had too much power. So everyone, everywhere was essentially on board.

People sung the praises of "globalism".

But now with the US weakening and China and Russia unhappy with how the deal is structured, things are changing - and fairly rapidly.

Terminal managerialism brain
