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I don't see the trial bluepilling anyone, but it seems to be redpilling some. Hopefully the truth sets a lot of people free.

You know, it happened in 2003 with the Iraq war. A lot of people were swept up in that but later realized how wrong they were.

I know there's some disagreement, but I'm inclined to forgive people once they realize they were wrong and they were lied to.

The intolerance of the left is what led to the current situation. Tolerance, love, and forgiveness is peached by Christianity I think in part because if you never let people repent and reform then you have the sorting game they have -- you slowly chip away at people who aren't pure enough until you only have people who are absolute psychos and people larping as absolute psychos because they don't want to be found out. If the right (such as it is -- arguably "the right" consists of a lot of the left who were kicked out of the club by the intolerant left) engages in the same thing then it'll inevitably pendulum back and nothing will change.

btw, isn't that a fake tweet?
Seems really really long for twitter