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I think a new type of vehicle that could be built today should be legalized: A city car that's basically 1/10th the size of an automobile, probably less than 100lbs, and probably has just some waterproof tarp to keep the elements out, and uses current battery tech. One, maybe two seats and a small storage compartment large enough for a couple bags of groceries, and a range of 100km tops that could be charged off a standard 120v plug relatively quickly. It wouldn't be allowed on highways or other high speed roads, but could be used on streets, and if insurance is required it should be a dramatically smaller plan that costs basically nothing because such a vehicle can't hurt anyone since it has nothing to it. the price would be really low, no more than a few grand tops.

I think something like that could really fundamentally change transportation without the fundamental problems that make a 60,000 electric car impractical.

Golf carts.