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PineTime usage update:
Yesterday was my first day of what I would call normal usage. I was not using playing with it or doing anything with firmware. Had the pulse monitor on all day. Low brightness.

Woke up this morning with battery on 75%. If this trend holds then it is comparable to Fitbits with needing to be charged every 4-5 days.

I will let the battery run down before charging again to see what the life span is. Then I will do it without the pulse monitor.

@ImortisInglorian Thanks for the update.

Is the screen on 24/7, or does it only show up if you hold it up or press a button?

Only when you perform the wake action, which is configurable. Button, single tap or double tap screen, shake, or raise wrist are all options. I also have it connected to my phone for notifications right now. Might try with that off when I turn off the pulse monitor.