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Reddit somehow permits a moment of brutal honesty and acknowledgment about the horrific human cost of draconian lock-downs..


> We were never "in this together"

> Children's education, mental health, coping skills, and socialization. My wife is an elementary educator, and it's shocking how far kids regressed during the pandemic. By almost every measure, this generation of kids is in big trouble. I'm optimistic that the trend will right itself over time, but it's really sad to see.

> It pushed people away from social gatherings with friends and family and mostly replaced that with screen time. It fucked us up socially, we are more alone than ever.

How so?

If you wanted to hurt kids, these people seem to be doing every individual thing you'd expect them to be doing.

Even for the Redditor, in the most generous and best case scenario, if you believe lock-downs and "social distancing" worked, it was a Pyrrhic victory at best, if you're being/allowed to be honest.

You won, ..but a what cost?

That's why "The science" is such a dangerous way to look at decision making.

When you're making decisions, you aren't balancing a chemical equation. It isn't that you just need to add 1 mol of hydrogen to 0.5 mol of oxygen and you'll accomplish what you want. The world is complicated and decisions are complicated. You could create a policy to increase a number, and not only could the policy fail to increase that number like you wanted, it could change 50 other numbers you never wanted to change. Besides that, there could be effects you can't quantify with numbers.

Intelligence is being able to create a model that correctly predicts that if you change X you'll affect Y. Wisdom is being able to question whether you want to change X in the first place.

Temper your expectations. It's still reddit.

I assume those realizations are the deleted comments.

Kids brains are sponges at that age. If you isolate them, and feed them a diet of fear, it isnt hard to imagine the ways that could mess them up.

> Brains rewired for fear in a way we’ve never seen before

From the thread..

"I saw a kid at my dental practice who was completely fearful of all germs bc of covid.

He asked me if he could be moved to another room to have his cleaning away from other kids. (I was happy to oblige)

But after the cleaning he wouldn't walk with me to the exit unless I was 10 feet in front of him.

I asked if he wanted a coin for our toy machine we have and he accepted.

He went to the bathroom to wash the coin before putting it in the machine...

I mean that kids psychology towards germs was completely destroyed bc of covid and im sure he isn't the only one.

Just as a disclaimer I'm pro science. This was just a sad result of protecting our young ones."

Imagine believing Satanism is on the rise 😏