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My wife and I have been talking about the concept of forgiveness.

Thing is, you can't truly forgive someone unless they're repentant. If they don't think they've done anything wrong then you really can't forgive them because in their minds there's nothing to forgive.

Considering that we can see right now they're still doing the same things they did during COVID just in other areas of life, they're completely unrepentant. They want to be 'forgiven' because they're done with that particular thing but they're still using the same tactics for all the stuff they're still interested in, forcing what they want down everyone's throats the same way.

Everyone remembers "Judge not lest ye be judged", but few people remember the next part: "Go and sin no more".

It might be that you have to let go of old hatred for your own sake even if the other person is unrepentant, but that's much different than giving someone who is unrepentant full amnesty for their actions. It's a big difference, and the two forms of forgiveness mean something quite different in practical terms.

Sure, so long as the people you continue to hate are the specific people who did and said those things, not some vague category of "the other side".
Collective guilt is wrong.