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and it totally worked! Last week it was downgraded to "flu"!

Honestly, that's exactly what I was thinking. Everything that happened was absolutely terrible and never should have happened, but the entire world is changing thanks to what they did -- and at least for now I have hope that it's for the better.

@jeffcliff @OneEyeKing is this why you think I want to shoot you? because you want to shoot people you disagree with on COVID?
Projection if there ever was any

@jeffcliff @OneEyeKing And that justifies murder how exactly?

@jeffcliff @OneEyeKing One or two people make a protest super spreader event?

One or two people can kill 30 million just by coughing and sneezing? (If they were patient zero and patient one, then sure, but they’re probably not)

You’re deranged

@jeffcliff @OneEyeKing I thought you wanted people to stay in their homes. Make up your fucking mind.

That in freedom dollars?


Holy moly, that's even expensive in canuckistani kopecs, in freedom dollars that's starting to be real money.