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đź’ĄThe fifth opinion today: United States v. Rahimi


2/ Of course, Thomas dissents
Done for today.


With no ruling from Supreme Court today: Half of the available pre-election time has expired

It’s been 137 days since the most recent court filing in USA v Trump
criminal case

It’s 137 days until the election

3/ Mystal:

This is the HUGE case about whether domestic abusers can have guns.
Looks like the answer is "no" 8-1, by Roberts, with a few concurrences, Thomas dissenting.

The way Roberts squared the circle with Heller and Bruen (the two awful SCOTUS gun cases) is "Those decisions, however, did not define the term and said nothing about the status of citizens who were not “responsible.”"

4/ Mystal:

Interestingly... the word "RESPONSIBLE" is found no where in the Second Amendment. But I guess conservatives are willing to read that word into the Amendment. Too bad they won't notice words that are actually in the Amendment... like "MILITIA"

5/ Mystal:

Anyway, that's the last case for today... so my prediction that they're release immunity on the day of the presidential debate (or the day before) as a giant FUCK YOU still holds.

But Rahimi is huge and this Munoz decision is one of the worst things I've read so... plenty to chew on over the weekend.

@GottaLaff Despite their claims of interpreting the Constitution from the point of view of the framers, not only do they ignore the whole "militia" thing, they also ignore that guns at the time were commonly stored in armories, not in automobiles and under pillows or down one's trousers.

The puppets on only care about gun industry profits and those sweet NRA gifts they neglect to disclose.

@bigheadtales The one has nothing to do with the other, though.

Even if guns were commonly stored in armories and not homes (which I’m skeptical of but nevermind) that doesn’t mean the people who wrote the Constitution had a point of view that was limited to guns being relegated to armories.

The justices of the Court lay out their reasoning. We don’t have to go on these conspiracy theories when they ride out the reasoning by which they came to their conclusions.


@bigheadtales and they are right to ignore the whole “militia thing” based on how the amendment was written.

If you want to change it, go ahead! That’s how the process is supposed to work.

Until the amendment is changed, though, the “amendment thing” is phrased specifically so as to be ignored.


@volkris @GottaLaff

What other parts of the Constitution were written to be ignored?

@bigheadtales The first two words.

@volkris @bigheadtales @GottaLaff How can you have a constitution that's meant to be ignored, even in part?

@volkris @GottaLaff "We the"


I can see my MAGA troll is back.

@bigheadtales just answering your question.


@Hyolobrika by writing it?

Honestly it’s not hard.

@GottaLaff @bigheadtales

"Pantyhose being good looking on a pretty lady, the state is not allowed to kill anyone"

The first is a nice factoid, but really the second part of the second would be the operative part of the sentence and of course the first half would be ignored because of the way it was written.

The remark about pantyhose is incidental to the more crucial assertion that the state should not have the authority to execute anyone. Nobody would interpret the above and say "obviously it means the state is not allowed to kill anyone only when it relates to pantyhose"

It's also notable that both the left and the right obviously disregard the constitution as an absolute statement regularly. That's why strict scrutiny, intermediate scrutiny, and rational basis tests exist for laws, so that you can violate enumerated rights but only if you really want to and it's done according to the law.

@volkris @bigheadtales @GottaLaff Honestly, you do kind of sound like a troll here. You're not usually like this. Maybe you're just in a playful mood? I don't know.

@Hyolobrika Oh I’m just generally in a bad mood.

We live in a stupid world full of stupid people saying stupid things.

We live in a world where facts don’t matter, and people have lost faith in institutions like journalism because journalism itself has pretty much earned that.

So welcome to social media where nothing matters, but I might as well just go ahead and yell at the clouds.