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Chicago is Toast

➡️Days off canceled.
➡️Many on 12 hour watches.
➡️Even officers from the suburbs coming in to help.

Why exactly? To protect Democrats from Democrats.

Reminder: This is the political party WHO WANTS TO DEFUND THE POLICE.

Can't make this stuff up.

@neanderthalsnavel there are the Dems for Palestine, the Dems who want the illegals gone, Antifa Dems... Unhappy people

I mean, the party that wants to defund the police seems to love the police when it's the police arresting their political enemies, so they don't seem to know exactly what they want...

They want power.

Defunding the police for you gives them power.

Using the police for them gives them power.

Simple as.

No lies detected.

@threalist @Autumn@noauthority.social @sj_zero "Defund the police" means "get rid of local police that are answerable to local elections" and at the same time "have a big federal police force that is answerable only to Dear Leader." Remember Obama saying we need a domestic police force as big and well funded as the military? Yeah, that.