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Demand for physical media formats is surging.

Many are attributing this to nostalgia, but that isn't right. Most of the demand is coming from generations that weren't even alive when vinyl ruled the music scene, for example.

It is a rejection and retreat from the digital dystopia. Physical isn't easier, it's not cheaper, and isn't objectively better than digital. But people want to touch and feel it. They want to own it.

So I'm surprised there isn't a new physical music format coming to rival cassettes, CDs, and vinyl.

But CDs, cassettes, and vinyls all have flaws.

Cassettes have the perfect form factor, but the tape gets tangled or breaks. And skipping/searching songs is time consuming.

CDs get scratched, but let you quickly skip between songs or even shuffle! Size is OK.

Vinyls nail the physical/tactile aspect but really suck at everything else. Too big, easily scratched, etc.

So why not something better?

What if it was physical like a cassette but thinner, some kind of ssd storage for longevity and fidelity.

@threalist >So I'm surprised there isn't a new physical music format coming to rival cassettes, CDs, and vinyl.
Probably a psyop to limit storage options? we are stuck with H/SDDs, USB storage and microsds.
Last physical media similar to CD is bluray, but that's not practical to a store a single music album, maybe they need to create somekind of cool small disks or something with an interesting shape that can be the new thing. Still physical storage like a microsd would overshadow it...

Yeah, I replied to myself with that idea.

People could make something really cool, but based on current culture trends if they made something new it would be incomprehensibly worse than existing retro formats in every way.

Also, it could be cool if the physical media looked like the above, and included NFC technology, so you can just slap that disk on your music player and it reads from it until you move it. Like this:


> It's a collection of laminated movie covers with an NFC tag inside. All my son has to do is pick the movie he wants to watch and put it on the NFC reader.

@threalist Loosing access to virtual games, music and films is forcing many to demand physical stuff you can play at home without been cut off. The online companies are actively killing their buisness and loosing consumers confidence.
Computer companies too are killing their customers confidence in them.

@threalist That's true. Young people are more consumer savvy these days about being ripped off. I hope it's the same with commercials.

@threalist They'll create a new physical format, but I predict the player will need an Internet connection before it'll let you watch/listen.

They'll let you fondle a slab of plastic, so long as they still keep control.

@threalist You can own a copy of digital media, though. It's just that normies don't know how.

@vandys @threalist Exactly, the problem is DRM, not physical vs digital.