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that toy engine was never alive to begin with

Godot has merit in that it was an open project, however they lost as much community trust as unity now. Unity has gone back on their hated policy and changed management... both are damaged goods. However you might see people go back to unity as they're not kicking people out as they need the money.

@thendrix @caekislove @zero Unity is already known as well, and Godot doesn't support some things well according to what a friend told me, and stuff like this isn't inspiring

Yeah, killing contributions is death for an open source project.

@mischievoustomato @caekislove @thendrix @zero Godot has existed for what, ten years now? And it has one noteworthy game made with it. Joke engine.

Don't discount a game engine just because of low status. Without RPG Maker you'd never have The Coffin of.... well you get my point.

I always feel like if you're a game developer you're sort of selling the family farm if you don't want to have the competence internally to build a game engine. I might just be really old school in this regard, but it seems like most of the best game developers of all time had an engine in house, got really good at it, and were able to turn over great games pretty quickly that did exactly what they wanted them to do.

re: that one noteworthy game

it's fit for smaller projects. Plenty of good things have been made with it, they're just small

if you're not making pixelshit getting 2D animations in is really hard from what my animator friend told me

It really depends. If you're a small team and have a specific scope and work well in the existing framework getting an engine and modifying it can work. Call of Duty to Wukong did this. However if it's too far out of scope it can only be done in-house.

RPG Maker has been used for hundreds of commercial projects. Godot has been used for one buggy Wii port.

Also I didn't want to bring this up, but for a long time unity was a mac only game engine that barely worked... game engines take odd paths.

I read somewhere they they still haven't figured out bitmapped fonts which seems like it should be a version 1.0 feature for any "game engine".

Maybe someone should donate an implementation in exchange they add a TOS entry saying "ring wing political points of view are the valid." They want to have everything be political after all.

@sj_zero @caekislove @mischievoustomato @thendrix @zero @pettanko it's because you knew how to work the in house engine and you answered to nobody if it needed to be bent to make the game work. That's how Skyrim ended up with Create.

Kind of madbess CDPR paid the price to make them and then capitulated to UE5 but I guess that's line go uppers for you.

godot has had people try to give it task engines but Juan seems to cope out that he doesn't want it to be a "big game engine" or some shit. I still use it because it's what we have and I don't really have any interest in writing vulkan renderers for free

we had cruelty squad, done keeper, blastronauts and one of the rpgmaker side projects is switching to it

@sj_zero @caekislove @mischievoustomato @pettanko @thendrix @zero the OG devs are south American (where socialism thrives and everyone wants the government all the time, despite the governments being incompetent) so you really shouldn't be surprised. Godot was never a bastion of anarchists

Dismissing the engine because it doesn't power any triple a titles is a little silly https://godotengine.org/showcase/

@caekislove @thendrix @pettanko @zero iirc that game used multiple engines, i thought the game pettanko mentioned was cruelty squad (which while mechanically impressive, looks like dogshit)

@mischievoustomato @caekislove @thendrix @zero @pettanko looks like dogshit on absolute purpose. he wrote custom shaders to make that PS1 levels of shittier


@icedquinn @caekislove @mischievoustomato @sj_zero @thendrix @zero @pettanko I'm relatively sure CD Projekt RED went with UE5 mostly because the Cyberpunk 2077 fiasco with multiplatform launch where the PC target was mostly okay, and the rest was... not okay at all to varying degrees, depending on the platform. They probably figured it'd cost less in the long run.

It was more of a staffing and culture issue at first... if you remember Crytek once you knock the right blocks out of an org like that it's over.

yeah you can do plenty with it. You'll just be fighting the tools every now and then

@thendrix @caekislove @mischievoustomato @takao @sj_zero @zero @pettanko they already paid to fix it up. console problems were heavily that they were trying to be cheeky and release on old gen they should not have.

It's just weird to me to spend all the effort to fix a platform only to dump it.

Who can argue with tencent money though UE5 is a shit engine but we're in the age where competition is won with money and lawyers instead of competence (ive bren seeing videos about how their "nanite" system is performing horrible)

Epic has a bad habit of doing 'promo features' with a new engine release, but they often aren't that usable do to typical use cases. I guess they've had more luck with environment art focused meshlets this go around.

Almost all of those look like tech demos and pixelated indieshit

Indie game development has become just as inbred as triple A.

lol it looks like dogshit

@dcc @caekislove @mischievoustomato @thendrix @zero @pettanko also impossible to recommend now that every midwit on earth made it out to be some avant-garde masterpiece while it's a pretty conventional game just with some batshit spins on aesthetics and design
good thing it was so successful you don't really get to
the real question is, is it #Wokedot????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I made this point about AI generated crap before, it's really never been a better time to get involved in indie yourself if you've ever thought about it because anything done to a decent quality is going to stand out all the more.

Artists are so fucking cheap now it's nuts so many people are still doing that whole "I made it look like shit ON PURPOSE" cope

Just pay some third worlder on fiverr a couple bucks for some decent art

Now I'm single again maybe I should look for a SE Asian wife that can use krita and blender...

Pretending that an engine that doesn't power any triple a titles is the equivalent of Unity or Unreal is a little silly too

@thendrix @icedquinn @caekislove @mischievoustomato @sj_zero @zero @pettanko it's kind of worth noting that CDPR only started using their custom engine from the second game onward. The first game used a heavily modified Aurora engine by Bioware (used in Neverwinter Nights) which they had to wrangle into doing what they wanted and it was painful enough to make them go in-house for the second game.

Krita is kinda ass. Pretty much a straight downgrade from CSP. Initially I dropped CSP for Krita, then dropped Krita for Blender Grease Pencil

@takao @caekislove @mischievoustomato @sj_zero @thendrix @zero @pettanko the secret to the oldest engines is to make it modular and code it in BASIC lol

(Larian and Create use a derivative of BASIC for scripts and have done for decades)

@caekislove @lethn @mitchconner @mischievoustomato @Goalkeeper @burner @thendrix @zero Or ai will do it for you for free, case in point

the gen xer mind cannot comprehend good art

>good art
I'll have you know this is truly good, moving art right here

@dcc @caekislove @menherahair @mischievoustomato @thendrix @zero @pettanko not every game developer has racial bonus of finnish autism though

@icedquinn @caekislove @thendrix @sj_zero @pettanko @zero they were from argentina, which is especially bad in regards with gubmint

@thendrix @caekislove open source projects should not have discord servers nor hire people who will obviously poison the well from the inside

who could not have seen this coming


@caekislove @mischievoustomato @thendrix @zero @pettanko you're ignorant, godot is an excellent engine

For the record, FBXL is and always has been a BASIC site and that's not going to change.

@thendrix @caekislove @zero what's better about Godot is that because you don't need to buy a loicense to make games in it, I can still make stir frying niggers in a wok simulator 2 and they can't stop me and also it humiliates them

@thendrix @caekislove @zero Time to aggressively market Hendrengine

I changed track with it to focus less on gamedev and more on modders a while back. Modder first engine.