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These two have some interesting things to say, and this episode is about the "pod people" effect of wokeness.

Given what happens every time, inauthentic people injecting themselves into hobbies so they can eat them from inside, you can see the pod people actions, and also why we might have an instinct against such people -- like a brachnoid wasp, they lay their eggs inside your favorite properties, and when they think they can get away with it those eggs hatch and they start to devour those properties from the inside out.

You can see from there why normalish people get the heebie jeebies from such people, because you can sense their inauthenticity. "As a little girl I always loved Warhammer 40k!" No you didn't.

But here's a further take: thinking about it this way, I'm not sure progressive ideology is itself inherently pod peopleish or even inherently woke the way we think about it. I kind of think that default liberal ideology was super powerful (a famous study around 2007 showed 75% of millennials agreed with it), and so the pod people were drawn to it. It looks like the cause of the disease, but it's just the current carrier, like a zombie beetle carrying around wasp larvae. I'm not even sure it's "patient zero", I think those pod people ate up organized religion before they caused it to collapse, and now they're eating stuff like opposing racism and the like, but they'll jump to a new host once this one is dead (and make no mistake, it's dying). The pod people also force others to conform or be expelled, so that explains why some people who used to be cool seem to have stopped and started acting like pod people full-time.

I can't predict what the next host will be, but it'll be something super popular. It may even be "anti-wokeness" seeing how badly progressive ideology has been destroyed, where they'll inject themselves into it, take power for themselves, make it totally insufferable with pod people, and people will start to hate this thing too. I can imagine something wholesome like anti-pedophilia being taken over, because then you get the power to accuse individuals of horrific crimes due to your movement, and they'll even eat that host so badly people just won't care anymore.

@sj_zero its mostly women being allowed into hobbies and sport that ruins it

@sj_zero oh God, I don't think I can watch this. Those people look hideous and give me serious "pod people" vibes. I don't know if it's deliberate or not, but either way the irony is too intense for me.

To be honest, you're not entirely wrong. Lol

It's been enjoyable for me to watch but I get it lol

> It looks like the cause of the disease, but it's just the current carrier, like a zombie beetle carrying around wasp larvae. I'm not even sure it's "patient zero", I think those pod people ate up organized religion before they caused it to collapse

Good insight.

Unfortunately, the "Struggle Sessions" of Mao and Killing Fields tell us it will likely be doubling down and more extreme versions of current leftist ideology until everything collapses.

Furthering the metaphor, I bet there is a sort of ideological immune system that will eventually tap the brakes most of the time, but for something that doesn't have that immune system by design and just keep on getting eaten up.

I, too, am somewhat of a noticer.