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If Trump is a kike tool how can his victory be good for Whites?

The kikes supporting Trump are making a mistake.

I know, unimaginable to some of you that the omniscient kikes might make an error...

@judgedread does good equals less bad here?

There's a lot of kikes on his side as well, and they obviously have tremendous influence over him and his family.

Not being their best outcome still means it's positive for whites BECAUSE they would get a better deal otherwise?

@wizardmanperson The error is memetic. Trump normalizes opposing immigration. Immigration is how they're importing an army of Orcs to exterminate Whites. The smaller that army is the easier it will be to beat it.

@judgedread fair enough. It's a good perspective

@wizardmanperson The SCOTUS appointments are icing on the cake.

@judgedread Neocons and other assorted "right wing" enemies are losing their minds because yesterday Trump told that stuttering retard Patrick Bet-David that working toward regime change in Iran is off the table

@KarlDahl Trump is anti-neocon because their policies failed and cost the GOP everything. No Iraq invasion and you don't lose congress in 2006 and the White House in 2008. No Obama.

And what did Iraq win the US? Nothing. Afghanistan - less than nothing.

and now cheney is backing kambala no less

@dew_the_dew Trump did beat his daughter like a red-headed stepchild.

@judgedread One key value in the olde-tymey benevolent merchant soul is that they seek what is good for business, such as peace and prosperity

@judgedread@poa.st @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org
β€œI know, unimaginable to some of you that the omniscient kikes might make an error...”

One would think real WNs should be happy that ZOG is divided. πŸ€”

@StarProphet They don't believe it. Every sparrow that falls is part of the unified jew plan.

Maybe in 600 years jews will lose.

β€œThey don't believe it. Every sparrow that falls is part of the unified jew plan.”
β€œMaybe in 600 years jews will lose.”

The doomer WNs have more faith in ZOG, than ZOG itself does.

@StarProphet @judgedread

They are do-nothings who want an excuse to keep doing nothing but spouting off.

Just like the mainstream conservatives who want us all to convert to Christianity.

@judgedread @StarProphet

"jews" = egalitarianism (which brings the mixed-race among us)

@amerika@annihilation.social @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org @StarProphet@noauthority.social

My own take is that Trump is a fat, retarded courtcucked Zioboomer, and I want him to win precisely because he is a fat, retarded courtcucked Zioboomer. He doesn't have the mental wattage to oppose the struggle of our generation, which is the takeover of the GOP and the replacement of the Old Guard with antizionist incel populism.

Trump drags the Overton Window to the right, kicking and screaming, and that's all I care about.

@amerika@annihilation.social @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org @StarProphet@noauthority.social

What is left-right anyway? It's a false paradigm. There is only the Regime and dissent.

@amerika@annihilation.social @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org @StarProphet@noauthority.social

It is my opinion that if populism is a right-wing phenomenon, then populism will lose.

What that means in practice is that we should support left-wing strikes and protests when Democrats are in power. (Not a welcome opinion here, but it's all mine.)

In you're paradigm, he drags the line towards dissent since the regime is firmly opposed to almost everything he does.

That has value. Them losing publcally hurts them. It makes them weaker. Trump is not the endgame. Trump is the opening gambit.

@amerika@annihilation.social @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org @StarProphet@noauthority.social

Trump proved that it's possible to become President saying the Bad Things that they don't want you saying. And even if they Gitmo'd him then that would create an opening for ten thousand demagogues competing for the successor role.


Clearly you don’t understand that β€œnot perfect” is as bad as Satan himself.

@amerika @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

People who complain that Trump doesn't name the jew don't get just how far gone we are right now and how much digging we're going to have to do to dig ourselves back to normalcy.

@caekislove @amerika @leyonhjelm @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder
drumpf does not name the jew because he is a shabbos goy faggot, he sucks jewish cock constantly like his life depends on it, also his wife is a troon with an adam's apple

@VIPPER@the.asbestos.cafe @caekislove@caekis.love @amerika@annihilation.social @leyonhjelm@breastmilk.club @judgedread@fsebugoutzone.org @StarProphet@noauthority.social

Trump is a stopgap measure, a warm body, a gorilla shredding papers and throwing shit from a vantage point where Hillary would be installed otherwise.

It almost doesn't matter that he is pro-Jew because if he was overtly anti-Jew it would make us look bad. He is, after all, a bridge-selling bag-fumbling courtcucked retard.

I agree 100%. Chaos when our enemies are in power. Order when our friends are in power.


Any win that isn’t a win for the enemy within is a win

@amerika @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

Exactly. If they let him live, they lose. If they murder him, they lose even worse. The left is fucked and they know it.

@KuteboiCoder @judgedread @StarProphet @caekislove

Left = egalitarian, Right = natural order.

Saddest thing is he's still far to the left of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

Really the reason he motivates his base is his willingness to say things out loud that have become verboten.

His policies are a mishmash and he's a NY Republican at best.

Says a lot that wanting to "Make America Great Again" resonates as it does.

@threalist @caekislove @judgedread @StarProphet @sj_zero @KuteboiCoder

He's a moderate, mostly libertarian.

He does not care about abortion.

What he is however is a technician.

He diagnoses failings, such as failed programs like rent control, diversity, entitlements, and of course CIA-led "pro-democracy" American foreign policy, which has fucked up this country since 1945.

He likes parallel segregation as things were before Lincoln, but without the slavery of either chattel slavery or enforced usury.

@caekislove @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

I do not agree; there are no deals with the devil. The devil simply takes over.

Populism is organic and holistic therefore 100% Right-wing.

We can deny this, but our enemies will not.

@KuteboiCoder @leyonhjelm @VIPPER @judgedread @StarProphet @caekislove

A gentler version:

We have walked long down a path to doom.

The way back starts with a single step, but if it's in the right direction, it is better than all other steps so far.

Trump is a moderate Reagan/JFK guy as he signaled in the first campaign. But he's not a Communist or a diversity parasite like Clinton/0bama/Harris/Biden, so he's a reversal of the path we have been walking.

@caekislove @leyonhjelm @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

I do not believe in naming the Jew, but I do not believe in Abrahamic religions, so to me Jews are just Arabs who took Greco-Roman wives.

In other words, The Jew = race-mixing itself and the third world, Asiatic-style system.

We imported "The Jew" through egalitarianism, which is anti-Western.

It's interesting but the mixed-whites can almost never see this.

You do not find many pure Germans, Scandis, English, etc. on the side of the poasties.

@leyonhjelm @caekislove @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

Give praise to Satan for he has won.

Once you escape Abrahamism, the idea of universal good/evil becomes comical like Communism and Ozempic.

@KuteboiCoder @judgedread @StarProphet @caekislove

If they strike him down, he will become stronger than they can imagine.

@KuteboiCoder @judgedread @StarProphet

You mean support the further-Left against the Establishment Left?

Claro que si.

@caekislove @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

Before Trump, every speech began with "diversity is our strength." The phrase started with Dan Quayle but became standard under Bill O'Clinton.

After Trump, we can talk about how socialism and diversity are not universally good.

If Trump succeeds, we can then talk about doing more of the same, including ending the entitlements state.

After that, we move on to the ethnostate, which has one legitimate meaning which is #WASPAmerica.

@sj_zero @caekislove @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

I disagree. Clinton reined in the excesses of the Left in order to promote the Left.

@amerika @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder Keeping commies on your payroll only works until they figure out you have more than them.

Which more often than not is quite a long time, really, due to reasons around mental capacity and such.

@mar77i @judgedread @StarProphet @KuteboiCoder

But if you throw them out of helicopters each generation instead, the problem works itself out!