This is what happens when you speak the truth and people don’t want to believe you.
You’re accused of being a political instigator. My Reddit account is pretty active and they can see that I’m involved in lots of different groups.
You’re probably wondering which sub this happened in…. Poverty finance. Want to guess the topic? It was a post about food banks and I said that in my area they are tied to the state, so you must be vetted with identification and income proof. I also said that I live in a very blue state.
It’s just amazing to me that we are to a point where if you don’t support the narrative that liberals are good and conservatives are bad, that you are seen as a political instigator who is spreading lies.
I guess that it smashes the idea that the fucking liberals are gonna save your poor ass. Sad how people think that liberals actually care about them when they don’t.
Me saying I live in a very blue state and the state gatekeeps food doesn’t give anyone the warm fuzzies. But hey, my state does give surgery to any fucking tranny who wants it, so there’s that, I suppose!
I just can’t.
@ChasingWaterfalls I've come to realize, some people not only truly believe the propaganda that has been spewed online, they want to believe it.
I was told that I could be un-banned if I provided proof for what I was saying. Nah, I’m not jumping through those hoops when they are the ones with a political agenda.
@ChasingWaterfalls "As a former Dem" is a popular con trolling technique.
Some of it's real. Some of it's bull. Other comments of that ilk are Dem Exit, that "movement" fueled by Russian bots located in Russian occupied Ukraine.
I wouldn't fuss it either. Mod is just a bit too whatever.
Don’t get me wrong, I vote blue because I know the republicans hate me all around while at least the Dems give me a few crumbs. It’s just bad all around.
@ChasingWaterfalls When the "blue is good" folks realize they're the one pushing good folks into the "bad" camp, I will throw a ticket tape parade.
Now expand the implications to every upvoted opinion on the site..

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@ChasingWaterfalls Asking for personal information is a big no no.
Mods are not exempt. Tell them to piss off. You're not being paranoid, they are.
Although, I know that they’ll use it as a reason to prove in their minds that I’m an instigator, since at most I say I live in a blue state.
Oh well, I don’t see that sub in my feed anymore, and have no desire to interact there.
@ChasingWaterfalls I'm not sure narcissism is a partisan trait, but I will tell you the change in child rearing in the 1990's-2010's (among the liberal minded) brought a generation of insecure spoiled brats.
Timmy needs to fall down sometimes and go boom.
Not a happy place for people who don't follow every opinion reddits hivemind finds acceptable.
The woke refuse to have conversations and there’s not a single space on Reddit that doesn’t suck tranny dick. The lefty men know they can say “TWAW” and not have to suck cock themselves. It’s all virtue signalling.