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Hyolobrika | @Hyolobrika@social.fbxl.net

Law Project for Psychiatric Rights https://psychrights.org/

The Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights) is a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) public interest law firm whose mission is to mount a  strategic litigation campaign against forced psychiatric drugging and electroshock in the United States akin to what Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP mounted in the 40’s and 50’s on behalf of African American civil rights.  The public mental health system is creating a huge class of chronic mental patients through forcing them to take ineffective, yet extremely harmful drugs.  As part of its mission, PsychRights is further dedicated to exposing the truth about these drugs and the courts being misled into ordering people to be drugged and subjected to other brain and body damaging interventions against their will.   Due to the pervasive psychiatric drugging of children and youth, PsychRights has made attacking this problem a priority.  Children are virtually always forced to take these drugs because it is the adults in their lives who are making the decision.

(Please share) Do you use encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, or Element?

And have you faced challenges/frustrations related to privacy, encryption, and moderation?

CAT Lab is launching a new study to collect & share anonymous stories about people's needs and challenges with encryption/moderation — to better inform design and policy debates that seem stuck on safety vs privacy.

Website & Survey in EN & ES:


That would just result in rule of the strong though.

I can upload the full episode (they only give you 10 minutes if you're not subscribed), if anyone wants.

autism hack: change your verbal stim to namu amida butsu for guaranteed rebirth in the pure land

Plot twist.

Paid-only Episode 10: Misinformation [experts], debunked

Inga Rublite timeline: events in run-up to death of woman in A&E waiting room | NHS | The Guardian

@ThatCrazyDude @m0xee Probably because they have more chlorophyll.

@cy How do the police equate friendship with organized crime and violence?
How does the concept of "the wrong friends' ultimately boil down to "friends you can rely on"?

What's the alternative to police?

Putting random syllables together only to find out it means something gravely offensive in a language you don't know

Hey folks into and / tech. We've got a new in the works to bridge between the two worlds based on the work we've been doing at @distributed

Come check it out and let us know what you think and if you'd like to implement it yourselves!


@ginnikin @HeavenlyPossum I wonder if it would also affect the rates of random people who are not police entering people's homes and shooting them in the face.

@dragonsidedd @OurParadise
I wish I was edumacated. My parents believed the world would end in 1988, so we kids didn't need school. Dammit!

I started at libraries when I escaped at 17. But no guidance, so I'm just a random junkyard of knowledge and guesses.

Schools don't accept underage kids with no paperwork, neither do colleges. Or the US army. I tried everything.

@inpc @DJDarren I'd like to know too. Also, what medication he is on.

Oh my god.

So those $10 Uber Eats cards that Crowdstrike sent out to all the customers they fucked over with their update?

The cards don't work. Crowdstrike apparently canceled them.

@toiletpaper Thank you. I was told it was a "blood cleanser". Do you know anything about that?
