FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

I mean, my homeland of Soviet Canuckistan is presently trying to convince people who need too much healthcare to Canadian Healthcare themselves to save money...

This is a flagship product Google is putting their all behind!

6 months to a year?

Rip Google...

"We have the 57th best ai!"

Do both political parties in America forget what that song was actually about?

[admin mode] some downtime today in part because GoDaddy restricted access to their API I assume because they're allergic to money.

The number of business insolvencies in Canada were up 32% from the previous quarter, and 87% from the same quarter last year, per the Globe and Mail.

Man, what a broken looking metric. Just think about what was going on while apparently it was getting easier to get a mortgage!

Just imagine -- you can use a new currency to buy corruption from Brazil, war sanctions from Russia, war with china from india, old people from China, or horrific racial violence from south africa!

She's lying. We know she's lying. She knows we know she's lying. We know she knows we know she's lying. But for some people they need to keep pretending because otherwise the truth will be too much to bear.


Hard times ahead for a lot of people in Canada.

Much of Canada is set up so you can't just hand the keys back to the bank, so if you're underwater on your mortgage, you still have that mortgage. It's called a recourse loan vs. A non recourse loan. The bank has recourse to go after assets other than the home itself to be made whole.

Roughly 92% of mortgages have interest terms of 5 years or less. Typically the highest interest term that's practical is 10 years, after that you get to interest rates close to 10% so virtually nobody would have gone with those.

Interest rates started to rise around late 2021/early 2022, so a lot of people who took out massive mortgages (the average house price at the peak was $850,000 nationwide) at rates as low as less than 1%(!!!), and they'll reset to 6%, meaning that many mortgages will be resetting at many times the interest they had before.

Some mortgages are "insured", but you have to be careful because that doesn't mean the people are insured, it means the banks are insured. The people are still on the line for the mortgage they're supposed to pay (and if many mortgages fail, the taxpayer is on the line for it). Moreover, many of the most dangerous mortgages for the million dollar homes in Toronto or the 2 million dollar homes in Vancouver are not insured so that could be a major hit to the banking system if there aren't any more buyers and prices collapse because nobody can afford million dollar mortgages at 6%.

Meanwhile people need to demand insane salaries to be able to afford rent on a million dollar home, and often people are paying insane rents for horrible living conditions such as the person in the video trying to rent out underneath a bed for 900/mo.

Hard times ahead for a lot of people who made a lot of decisions everyone could have told them were stupid at the time but because the line was going up didn't look stupid for a while.

I recall some research showing that dead trees are more effective for learning from your reading. It's a bit out of date but I'd believe it still applies since it's fundamentally about having something physical in the real world you're relating your reading to.

So what you're telling me is that smoking actually does make you cooler?

My life is a lie. Where's my smokes?

Gullible city folks who don't know how forests work think forest fires are caused by magic and worse that a one degree change in temperature in California is the same as a one degree change in the goddamn Arctic.

Imagine it's 1997 and you're trying to learn more about this GTA thing you found on this month's magazine demo disk, and you keep seeing more crap about Toronto.

I'm not opposed to letting the GTA separate from Canada. The area can join New York State.

It isn't entirely insane the idea that you could have coils built into the cement and you'd park on top and charge that way, though it isn't really that efficient at such a distance.

Could be a big deal, as long as there aren't too many gatekeepers keeping costs up. If their costs end up as 3380 but they charge 20,000 then it's all a wash anyway.

You know, back when cars were first becoming safer than wrestling an angry bear, they made all headlights standardized so you could get spare parts from anywhere. Something similar for EVs isn't such a bad idea...

I ended up getting the highest mark in the class in Grade 12 English up here in Soviet Canuckistan, but I always felt it was a betrayal that left a lot of us without adequate ability to write anything meaningful, and for the most part the books were were supposed to read were read to us in class so as long as you paid minimal attention you could do just fine without doing much reading or writing.

The next class I took was in college, on writing reports and letters, and although I went from getting an A+ to getting a C, the course taught fundamental writing skills such as considering your audience and not yammering on for pages and pages (given my long posts on the fediverse you could say I don't always follow that advice...) -- Despite ostensibly being a class teaching much more basic skills, it provided more important skills I use all the time in life.

In some ways it was like the high school curriculum was trying to get us to do advanced analysis of works when there was a lot of basic stuff they hadn't properly covered yet.

Cuts at forestry, but random bullshit no taxpayer wants? Full steam ahead!

You say that, but I think about Peter Schiff who has been trying as hard as anyone could and it's been to his detriment.
