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sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

Lezi ziphukuphuku zaseMelika ezimnyama zisebenzisa amagama esiNgisi, ulimi olwenziwa amaNgisi, abanye babantu abamhlophe kakhulu emhlabeni!

I had a really witty post planned, but then voice recognition heard "femcel" as "stem cell" and honestly that's funnier than anything I was about to say.

I thought it was pretty impressive just how and manipulable they are. It'll be really nice if he finally figured out that he could do this sort of thing LOL

Other than some clickbaitey headlines, the Epoch times has never done me any harm.

The thing in question was talking about how Canada Post should not be allowed to send copies of the Epoch Times since it's such a dangerous and evil newspaper, so my intel wasn't bad at all.

I saw a similar article in the CBC which cemented my belief that it must be totally defunded.

The CCP can propagandize a billion people, they have no business propagandizing the rest of us.

Chinese people visiting a super walmart for the first time (2024, colorized)

But did you die?

Seeing the ultrasound of my son early on was a game changer for me. Look at that face, look at those fingers. It had a brain that was operating and a face and a beating heart, and watching a video ultrasound you can see it moving under its own power...

He still does the little kick thing he did in the womb today, even though he's a walking talking toddler.

If that's just a clump of cells, so are we all. To deny that fact shows that abortionism is just a religion that cares not for reality as long as they're allowed to create life when it's fun and destroy it when it isn't.

he lives in you


Trust peer reviewed science, buys -- I mean guys!

Breakfastposting to the max

I was just reading an article about how because mozilla's federation experiment failed, federation obviously can't work.

Considering that Firefox is something like 4% of global market share, I don't think that the Mozilla foundation failing at something is really an indication of anything other than the fact that the Mozilla foundation isn't the same organization it once was. I wouldn't be surprised to find that they struggle with free ice cream.

The moment we learned about people who got covid multiple times, it should have been immediately apparent that this wasn't the sort of disease you could just vaccinate away.

But how many people do you know that got vaccinated and then shortly after got covid? In my case the number is super high. Once it started happening commonly, they had to move from a claim that was easily falsifiable, that the vaccine would protect you from getting covid, to a much fuzzier claim that can't really be falsified, and that even though you got sick it definitely would have been worse if you hadn't complied...

It's like as everyone's two eyes disproved their claims one by one as we went, which was always going to happen when you are making people take an untested experimental vaccine, since they really weren't able to do long-term tests before it started to become mandated under the law for many situations.

At that point, then gone in too far, and couldn't admit that they were wrong, and so they started to assemble a completely unfalsifiable "God of the gaps" style explanation for the benefits of the covid vaccine. Sure you did get sick and sure you did get others sick, but there's a terrible risk just outside the range of our most sensitive sensors, and if we hadn't all complied then that horrible thing would have happened to us all!

Excellent point. My first computer was an 8088 without a hard drive, and it really didn't compare in any way to late DOS games running on a Pentium. There was hardly anything remotely similar about the two platforms.

On the topic of Megaman 1 for PC, some people think the problem is that it was developed for MS-DOS. I developed a bunch of games (crappy and amateurish games) for DOS, and can say that in that respect really it doesn't matter that it's DOS. DOOM was made for DOS. Jazz Jackrabbit was made for DOS. One Must Fall 2097 was made for DOS. It took a really long time for games on Windows to match or exceed what was possible on DOS.

The problems with this game are 3-fold.

1. It was made for EGA graphics. EGA was a digital graphics standard consisting of an R, G, and B line, and an intensity line, all of which can either be a 0 or a 1; So you had 16 colors total, and they were hardware defined. This is contrasting to the 16 colors you could display at once on the NES where you could choose from a palette of 64 colors, so you could choose colors that complement each other. Games on PC that looked good came about in the VGA era when 256 software definable colors became the standard.

2. It wasn't made with Megaman's art style. There have been dogs or insects or birds in Megaman games, but they tend to follow the same art style with large expressive eyes and big animations. The fact that megaman looks nothing like megaman is really relevant, there's no reason they couldn't have made a pixel perfect set of sprites given the colors they worked with and the fact that the game was fully licensed.

3. It really wasn't made with Megaman's enemy style. There is a huge reliance on enemies that are too short to shoot (such as the dog in the introduction), which there were some in the Megaman games but they weren't all of them. We also saw attack patterns being quite different than a typical Megaman game. The bats in this game just come towards you and will stop when they hit you. Contrast with bats in an official Megaman game where they tend to swoop and attack then go elsewhere.

It's impressive for what the one dude working on the game was able to do, so you shoudn't be too mad at the guy, but those are the essential problems it faced.
A screenshot from Megaman 1 PC.

If we set the painting of Dorian Gray on fire, there's a lot of consequences. First and foremost, it becomes a lot more obvious that we can't just consume our way out of this -- if you actually need to burn the carbon to create the things that are supposed to reduce carbon, and you can't just let someone else do it and pretend everything you're doing is carbon neutral, then the calculus of certain decisions become much more complicated in terms of actual resources use you can see, and not in the quasi-academic way we're discussing here.

It also I think will help the somewhat racist view that western civilization has that somehow everyone else can make stuff and our job is to be designers and managers, like that's sustainable.

Citing this post on wikipedia now.

Just imagine that when Chris Farley was talking about living in a van down by the river he didn't even own the van!

Hypocrisy thy name is wapo.
