FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

Ah the Fedi…

"How many drinks have you had tonight?"

"Just one! One really big, really strong one!"

They were the dream card back in 1996, but back then you were somewhat limited to whatever the local computer store had, and it didn't have much. (also I was a broke-ass)

lol today textures are so high resolution that often you turn off texture filtering entirely and it looks great, but back then seeing bilinear filtering was so exciting, like "oh wow, it's not pixelated anymore!"

Jealous. I made the dire mistake of going with a Virge GX as my first 3d card, and then next up I bought a Savage4 because I guess I just don't learn. (The savage4 was fine though for the most part)

Quake 2 always struck me as an anti-gestalt. Like, it had all the elements to be great, but it just was never as good as it felt like it should be. Action Quake 2 was pretty great though (I guess proving that it could be made great without massive changes)

Jeez, this music is making me want to get my brothers together and play Quake deathmatch over null modem cables.

(I know, it's a strange connection, but we'd have music like this blasting over the stereo and we'd play play games like that)

Oh yeah, searxng is the latest stuff, I think searx proper is stagnant.

You can find yourself a searx instance and it'll basically do a lot of what dogpile does without the wall of ads.

I run my own. It's a bit slower than most because I also run a yacy instance so I can get some results from a 100% non-commercial search index. (and I think I'm contributing about 0.1% of the pages to the total distributed index)

Once I started looking at the data, it became undeniable. One you start to see the statistical outcomes for kids who grow up in non-standard homes such as single parent households, it looks like a crime against humanity to advocate for such things.

Shit happens, I'm not saying that every instance of divorce can be avoided. My parents split up when I was growing up. But given the outcomes, it makes the most sense to at least aim at a boring conventional family because it's best for the children and thereby for the world.

The boomers tried free love, and it worked ok for a little while because they still had the old ways of doing things to fall back on. Their kids on the other hand lived in a world without the old ways of doing things, and it was a catastrophe that made nobody happy.

Ironically, without meaning to or intending to, younger generations are now starting to try to figure out what to do, and in doing so are rediscovering the old ways of doing things.

I could be wrong, but it seems like the salt water pools are less salty than ocean water, but the pool water is used as an electrolyte in an electrolytic cell which takes water and sodium chloride and produces chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide. The Chlorine gas obviously chlorinates the water like bleach would, but without the increased trouble of having to handle chlorine or sodium hypochlorite. Apparently you do need to dump some HCL into the pool now and again because the pH eventually starts to drop (and that's the sort of thing you want to avoid), and you also have to top up the salt. There'd also be a slight benefit to just having salty water, because it would be a slightly more challenging environment for microorganisms which aren't suited to salty water since the salt could try to pull water out of some.

(Maybe everyone in this conversation already knows all this, but I thought it was pretty interesting and looked it up myself and learned a thing or two and decided to share)

lol "Oh no you don't. You said he was the bestest evar and better than he's ever been. You've made your bed, now poop in it"

We can thank Mr. Trudeau for opening that particular pandora's box.

He and his whole cadre really need to Canadian Healthcare themselves.

I'm sorry fren, not even Trump GPT could save the American film industry. Trump tower is 58 stories, 202 meters tall, and not even it is tall enough to get you far enough to find the American film industry up its own ass.

@7235c54512c28918a4dcb0d47aa48709feef5c4be45e85f5672cdc4a9a32a871 used to run one of only very few based lemmy instances, called wolfballs. Wolfballs and exploding-heads were the only instances I actually participated in regularly a few years back, and pretty much every other lemmy instance had them blocked because they both refused to censor things that later turned out to be basically true.

Not locking up political opponents directly before an election is a threat do our democracy.

I miss hard drive noises. Which is strange, I know.

The outraged establishment press proclaims that they are defenders of free speech.

All of us know that's false. Because they're not really the press, they're the government-approved press.

Pravda always had the freedom to praise Stalin and criticize Trotsky. Der Strumer always had the freedom to praise Hitler and criticize the Jews.

Imagine the audacity of claiming you're fighting for the right to say what you're told to say by the powerful.
