FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

A little kid reminds me of Jagmeet Singh. The bully will make him his little sidekick pet

Protip: don't keep porn of any kind on your work computer.

I wonder how many pronoun people refuse to call Twitter X?

"Nope, it's not the CIA's fault for experimenting on him in MKULTRA, it's because he was secretly maybe a woman!"

Europeans really like getting invaded by Russia and so the US needs to be as weak as possible.

What are the craziest things about destiny's argument is I see it a lot, and it's really stupid. In particular, if we don't have manufacturing, there's this idea that the Chinese can do the manufacturing and we can just do the management of the manufacturing. Well think about that. Maybe for a generation you have these people who know about manufacturing because they worked the factory floor, and so they can manage a factory from America that's on the other side of the world. But then those people die off, and what are their kids do? I mean they could try to go manage a factory in China, but they don't know anything about manufacturing, but the people in China they know all about manufacturing. So why exactly would they need a low skilled American worker (who you can educate all you want, but it isn't going to give them experience on the factory floor) to manage a factory that they've been working in for a generation?

We're already seeing it, there's a growing number of Chinese companies that are just putting out decent products. Be honest, how many things do you buy that don't come from an American company, they were made by some company with a name like wayo or dingoo? Companies that have trained engineers on staff who have basically lived at the factory, probably worked the factory floor, know exactly what the factory floor is like, and probably have ideas about new products categories and the like that can get put in as well as exactly how to build something like that.

A few years ago I would have said it's ironic but it's not ironic at all -- the left is just racist. They honestly seem to think that you can build an entire nation of bureaucrats if you're white, and there's not going to be any negative repercussions for that. You can let the brown people and the yellow people do all the work and your job can be eating, and everyone's going to just stand for that forever.

I'm really surprised anyone is shocked you could end up underwater on an auto loan. Particularly for new cars, they're so expensive and lose so much value the moment you drive them off the lot, it's kind of a no-brainer.

Generally speaking, most people who rub a bulls balls will find they aren't very lucky afterwards.

He is probably looking for a new team because if there's one thing Quebecers know, it's how to separate, tabarnac!

I'm downloading Snappy Driver Installer, a really cool utility that has most drivers that are available for Windows. It's 40GB and requires you to torrent the files while they download.

I guess the equivalent for linux is just having the latest kernel... Except smaller, obviously.

People who willingly moved to certain cities in Canada I believe should get the placard for their cars, and I willingly moved to at least one of those cities.

And the plastic bag is the only thing we're going to reuse of the whole lot! (Now people have to buy specially manufactured plastic garbage bags for stuff like bathroom garbage cans)

Fantastic. This must be one of the weak dumb women Mark Cuban was talking about surrounding Trump, she did a great job.

I tried this brand, and it's just the best. Unlike most noodles that just have flavor powder, it comes with flavor powder, sweet soy sauce, and seasoning oil.

I wish I had some right now. But I can't because I ate all of mine and I won't buy more because I'll eat that too.

This image is particularly cool on a pure black background site.

I learned about the term "Hell Joseon" a few years ago, which is a phrase that popped up around 2015.

The problem isn't necessarily the actual income inequality. South Korea ranks reasonably well in terms of GINI coefficient. The problem is the intensely competitive culture which means people work their asses off when they're young, and then more in high school, and then more in college, then when they get into the workplace they keep working hard. Essentially, they're doing fairly well, but it's at the cost of their whole lives. South Koreans have one of the lowest fertility rates on earth, and for every 100 Koreans alive today there will be 4 great grandchildren if things stay the way things are.

I think if anything it shows that materialism is false -- they work so hard for what is in historical terms a very decent life, but they have nothing left for anything else. No family, no community, no religion, just work and the material conditions that work provides. And it's leading to their extinction.

Fear not, puzzle game creators. I have gamefaqs so I don't need your hints.

Sent this to my wife with the caption of you saying "sending this to my wife"

Why even voters in blue states need to get out and vote, because he doesn't need to win the election, he also needs to win the popular vote. If they try gay ops, it needs to be perfectly clear to everyone they're subverting the will of the people.
