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sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

That's one of the nice things about the Japanese talent pipeline, they start with web novels which are not necessarily wholly unique since there are a variety of genres, but from there they are able to upgrade the most popular web novels to light novels, the most popular light novels become manga, and the most popular manga become TV shows which may later on end up with movies. In this way, you do end up with franchises but you also end up with a continuous pipeline of new ideas actually having a chance to be successful because they aren't just mining franchises.

Unfortunately, nobody has bothered setting up an ecosystem like that in the West, so there are options are either the milk old franchises or to immediately go for broke spending hundreds of millions of dollars on a new idea that might suck.

ngl I just wanted to post a strange song from a show nobody has thought about in 30 years.

yoink! Thanks for posting this.

It's a nicely executed tattoo, but successfully executing a bad plan is still bad.

Also, they're lying about the economy growing by lying about how much prices are increasing. Go back to 1990 metrics and it's been consistently shrinking.

There's been a growing cabal of idiots trying to force Japanese media to follow western sensibilities and points of view, and I find it really frustrating. There's a million youtube videos looking at certain Japanese ads through a US lens and going "How offensive they are being!", I find it really annoying.

I feel like certain people think the entire world is and should be Southern California.

It's like... Japan is a different country than the US. For most of the history of slavery in the US starting almost a century before 1776, Japan's borders were closed and they were an isolationist nation, until they were ordered at gunpoint by the American Commodore Perry's black ships, so they had bigger problems than worrying about American slavery or how they treated black people.

Slavery was ended by the beginning of the Meiji period after the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate which marked Japan's "coming out" into trying to start integrating the new reality from the west, which began after ratification of the 13th amendment banning slavery, and they were far more focused on not getting the same treatment China was getting by updating their military than worrying about how to be racist to black people "In the American style".

It's like "Why are you trying to export American prejudices to other cultures?" and the answer is I think my opening statement. Everywhere is Southern California, and everywhere should be Southern California.

And people might go "Oh, shouldn't the Japanese know that the Americans have this thing with gorillas and black people?", to which I'd strike back "Oh, shouldn't the Americans know that the Japanese have this thing with burakumin?" And of course 99.9% of Americans don't, disenfranchisement against those who aren't high enough in the the caste system during the edo period isn't something they really know much about.

Symbols mean completely different things in different cultures. In Asian cultures, white flowers are often associated with funerals, so giving someone white flowers is saying you wish harm on someone. Should we ban white flowers in the west? After all, there's a lot more Asians than there are us. Should we find it scandalous if someone gives or gets white flowers in the west despite us having no such cultural artefact? I would say of course not unless the person giving or receiving them is from one of those Asian cultures.

Anyway, that's my rant. It's really frustrating seeing cultural imperialism from Southern California, the one place on earth that ought to know better.

The NHS is urgently warning britons to stay inside since the weather is -8C out.

As a Canadian.... I apologize?

Paypal and credit card processors already exist to keep us all in line...

ddMMMyyyy is the same number of characters and removes all ambiguity. 01JAN2025

Of all the gasses you'd expect at a sewage treatment plant, hydrogen cyanide isn't the major one. I'd expect tons of H2S maybe since that's a common byproduct of decaying matter, but HCN? It isn't easy getting Nitrogen to bond to stuff. Industrially, you tend to need a platinum catalyst as well as fairly high concentrations of methane and ammonia.

The way you get vitamin B12 is certain bacteria generate it as a byproduct of its existence, so artificial B12 is generated in a bioreactor that would feed those bacteria whatever sugars and nutrients it wants, and then it would get the B12 out of solution. Now you might go "Oh, they could use human sewage to get those nutrients!" but for food grade chemicals you'd need to extract the thing you want, so dealing with human feces really isn't conducive to that, I'd expect it's a big stainless steel container with electric heaters on it and some pipes that feed chemicals the manufacturer probably buys in bulk at high purity, then some sort of process extracts the B12 in solution while leaving the bacteria alone. The idea of extracting a gas that isn't really produced in abundance in raw sewage to follow some cockamamey method of producing B12 just fails at mutiple levels.

One more thing about cyanide is that it's a naturally occurring chemical. If you eat nuts, you're eating chemicals that become cyanide. Bitter almonds are something most people never will see, but in water their precursor chemicals will start to produce hydrogen cyanide in quantities that can hurt you if you're eating tons of the things, but your body can deal with cyanide in small amounts, and you know when you're getting too much because you're close to dying. People work for decades in plants with small amounts of HCN in the air with no ill effects, and they're trained to know what symptoms to look for, but they're acute symptoms.

Finally, B12 is a very trace vitamin as it is. As I recall from taking vitamin B complex pills, even if 100% of the amount of B12 in such a pill were pure sodium cyanide, it would not be a lethal amount. We're talking a factor of 1000. If you were to take enough B12 to contain enough cyanide to be potentially harmful (even if it were free which it isn't), you would be facing major physiological danger from taking a dose of B12 that would be several million times the normal dose -- several grams of a chemical you normally need about a microgram of.

It's a conspiracy theory that's got so many layers of wrong it's actually impressive.

Yet another case for clean, economical gasoline.


Jose has the stick.

Doomcock is just a YouTuber with a bleach container over his face. He's good, does lots about TV shows and movies.

The story is that std is now written out of existence because in star trek lower decks which is apparently canon, there was an alternative reality gun that hit a conventional Klingon and turned it into an std Klingon (they're quite different looking) showing that those Klingons came from an alternative universe, and so it must be that all of std is from an alternative universe.

Democracy on a planet where oxygen is an important commodity...

Tfw Twitter costs more than just hosting your own social media site

He really wanted to speak to your manager that month.

"stop trying to make 4k a thing, it isn't happening"

I didn't realize until it was too late that I could have named my son Chad and he could have been an alpha Chad. It's over for the betas.

We'll have to see. Canada has been at these crossroads before, and unlike the US, they balanced their budget and paid back 1/5 of the federal debt before the GFC caused a need for a bump from stimulus and more importantly Trudeau getting in and screwing up a good thing.

With the majority they're looking at, the cons should have the mandate to fix a lot of broken stuff very quickly, so we'll see if they actually do it.
