That actually doesn't explain the masochism though. You can be not in control without having someone physically hurt you.
It is a crime that conversion therapy is taboo in this society.
As far as I'm aware, there's no research into it.
As far as I'm aware, there's no research into it.
Cognitive behavioural therapy is supposed to help you change your harmful thought patterns. Why would that work only for some thought patterns but not others?
Idk why @sj_zero chose that icon. You'll have to ask him.
I would be more capable of learning if people would teach me instead of expecting me to already agree with them because they think I'm "intelligent and educated".
I basically just read a lot and have ideas about what I read. So, self-education. But it means my knowledge is spotty.
I basically just read a lot and have ideas about what I read. So, self-education. But it means my knowledge is spotty.
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Also, I was mainly talking about masochism rather than homosexuality.
When I said "conversion therapy" I meant any therapy meant to change one's sexual preferences, not homosexuality specifically.
When I said "conversion therapy" I meant any therapy meant to change one's sexual preferences, not homosexuality specifically.
Because it's fbxl social which is an extension of fbxl, and itself has used the a sort of 1970s futurism/psychedelic rainbow stripes on black motif for nearly 20 years now. (And realizing that has been up for nearly 20 years I need to go into the corner and cry)
It's something that was common iconography in the 1970s, itself an evolution of early psychedelic art of the 1960s. It's an aesthetically pleasing, colorful, and optimistic design.
It's a symptom of the broken parts of our society that all love must be sex, and all sex must be love, and every rainbow must be a symbol of sex because there's nothing else it could be, nothing else it could mean.
It wasn't until I started talking to my newborn son that I started to realize how much we're trained to find double entendres in everything, and I honestly had to turn off that part of my brain because it's not healthy to pass everything you say or do through a series of filters to extract meaningless potential hidden meanings. It actually prevents you from just saying what you mean with plain language since you're playing 5d chess with yourself in every statement you make.
It's something that was common iconography in the 1970s, itself an evolution of early psychedelic art of the 1960s. It's an aesthetically pleasing, colorful, and optimistic design.
It's a symptom of the broken parts of our society that all love must be sex, and all sex must be love, and every rainbow must be a symbol of sex because there's nothing else it could be, nothing else it could mean.
It wasn't until I started talking to my newborn son that I started to realize how much we're trained to find double entendres in everything, and I honestly had to turn off that part of my brain because it's not healthy to pass everything you say or do through a series of filters to extract meaningless potential hidden meanings. It actually prevents you from just saying what you mean with plain language since you're playing 5d chess with yourself in every statement you make.