FBXL Social

@Paula same reason women fantasize about getting raped they weren't made to be in control, so they all have the desire to be controlled and dominated

@BigTony @Paula What about men who have fantasies of being raped by a woman?

But then why are some biological men like that?

Please get help btw

@Hyolobrika @BigTony mental illness

It's not healthy to be a masochist

Which only strengthens my point that you need therapy.

And others like you.

That actually doesn't explain the masochism though. You can be not in control without having someone physically hurt you.

@Hyolobrika @Paula idk same reason some biological men want to be women porn and mental illness

We need to cure them (with their consent, of course)

It is a crime that conversion therapy is taboo in this society.
As far as I'm aware, there's no research into it.

@Hyolobrika @BigTony i do not care for research
i just do what feels right to.me

@Hyolobrika @Paula i agree, transsexuals and homosexuals are very similar in that sense both deserve sympathy and could be helped to overcome their mental illness but our society has decided that its wrong to help them.

@Hyolobrika @Paula absolutely most homosexuals are victims of sexual abuse and should be given the opportunity to get help

@BigTony @Hyolobrika my brother in christ your literally a homosexual

tfw was not abused
tfw just like traps/femboys

fight oiled and naked

@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula There is research into it and the outcome is that it's bunk

@Paula @Hyolobrika and thats fine. If you dont feel like you have a problem, then you don't

@Paula @BigTony @Hyolobrika some homosexuals are very slow, have patience for Tony

@mischievoustomato @Paula @Hyolobrika I'll fight you oiled and naked

@Paula @Hyolobrika your entitled to that opinion but were gonna have to agree to disagree

@BigTony @Hyolobrika astolfo is a man

@TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @mischievoustomato @Hyolobrika fighting oiled snakes¿ pretty gay mr rotten toes

@Paula @Hyolobrika and my wife

@Soy_Magnus @Paula @mischievoustomato @Hyolobrika I'll have you know I have an xray tomorrow and then my foot should be healed

that's not gonna be fighting that's just you getting mating pressed


@TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @mischievoustomato @Hyolobrika ucant heal a heel you wont stop dousing in cum,lady

when are you creating a new matrix, hoe. im getting impatient

@Soy_Magnus @Paula @mischievoustomato @Hyolobrika trhen be a good little boy and get me my beer before I pull of my belt

@TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @mischievoustomato @Hyolobrika oh right sorry i forgot your terrible rot foot keeps you from walking. Iso t think u can actually lift a hprse faggot with that rotting appendage.

Cognitive behavioural therapy is supposed to help you change your harmful thought patterns. Why would that work only for some thought patterns but not others?

@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula You know for someone with a rainbow in their screen name you sure seem to have a lack of understanding of basic sexuality
Your sexuality isn't a "thought pattern", it's a fact of who you as a person are, it can't be changed

Idk why @sj_zero chose that icon. You'll have to ask him.

How do you know this? Where did you read it?

At least get help for your masochism. that shit's really not healthy


@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula basically any analysis or meta-analysis on the matter?
Fuck me if you want specific names, but like
It is not only a minority opinion or outcome that sexuality is changeable, but an INSIGNIFICANT minority, mostly out of flawed or biased studies
I can tell you that results out of both American and European studies all have the same overwhelming conclusion, but I don't exactly keep a record of the things I've read and when

Why does this topic make you so upset?

@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula I think it's just as annoying out of me as it is anyone else, but if you read any studies on the matter it would become very quickly apparent

@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula I'm upset that someone as apparently educated as you needs even an iota of this explained to you instead of having come to the obvious conclusion yourself
And by upset I mean annoyed more than anything, but perhaps I'm just being too hopeful and/or maladaptive to the idea that intelligence doesn't actually mean someone is capable of change or learning outside their area of expertise

@Bladural @BigTony @Hyolobrika @Paula shut up faggot no one asked you

@Bladural @BigTony @TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @Hyolobrika reaearch is for niggers REAL mem just make up whatecer lie is funniest and just tell everyone its supported by science

I would be more capable of learning if people would teach me instead of expecting me to already agree with them because they think I'm "intelligent and educated".

I basically just read a lot and have ideas about what I read. So, self-education. But it means my knowledge is spotty.

Also, I was mainly talking about masochism rather than homosexuality.
When I said "conversion therapy" I meant any therapy meant to change one's sexual preferences, not homosexuality specifically.

But in my experience, the two seem to go hand in hand.

Basically what I'm saying is: the burden of proof is on you. You made the claim.

@Hyolobrika @BigTony @Paula I don't really take much time to talk to sea lions nor have I really retained the names of the things I have read or the patience to look them up again, but if you like reading as much as you say you do, a quick Google Scholar search should give you the answers you seek

@Griffith @Paula its very feminine and weird, probably comes from porn brain or low testosterone

@BigTony @Griffith what about men who want to be raped by men as a woman

Because it's fbxl social which is an extension of fbxl, and fbxl.net itself has used the a sort of 1970s futurism/psychedelic rainbow stripes on black motif for nearly 20 years now. (And realizing that fbxl.net has been up for nearly 20 years I need to go into the corner and cry)

It's something that was common iconography in the 1970s, itself an evolution of early psychedelic art of the 1960s. It's an aesthetically pleasing, colorful, and optimistic design.

It's a symptom of the broken parts of our society that all love must be sex, and all sex must be love, and every rainbow must be a symbol of sex because there's nothing else it could be, nothing else it could mean.

It wasn't until I started talking to my newborn son that I started to realize how much we're trained to find double entendres in everything, and I honestly had to turn off that part of my brain because it's not healthy to pass everything you say or do through a series of filters to extract meaningless potential hidden meanings. It actually prevents you from just saying what you mean with plain language since you're playing 5d chess with yourself in every statement you make.

@TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @Hyolobrika Most studies about sexuality ive seen are incredible biased science and medical people dont care about the truth they just want to affirm whatever their investors believe in. Personally, i dont think homosexuality is a choice, but people aren't born gay. I know for a fact that people can overcome homosexuality

@BigTony @Paula @Hyolobrika as much as there are conflict of interest concerns in science, you'd think at this point there'd be *A* replicable study on that side if it were true, but replication so far hasn't shown that to be the case

@TURBORETARD9000 @Paula @Hyolobrika Its all just noise to me both sides lie I have eyes of my own i don't need scientists to tell me what im seeing.

@BigTony @Hyolobrika your wife is very cute !

@TURBORETARD9000 @BigTony @Hyolobrika the rainbow is one of God's most beautiful creations !! it shouldn't be associated with the lgbt !!!

@Paula @BigTony @Hyolobrika you say rainbows are God's most beautiful creations but you're standing right there

@Paula @BigTony @Hyolobrika I can do that for you

@Paula @BigTony @Hyolobrika grabbing you by the neck and kissing you on the lips rn

@Paula @BigTony @Hyolobrika nope picking you up and bridal carrying you away

@Paula @Hyolobrika thanks friend


fuk is u talmbout cuh