FBXL Social

ImortisInglorian | @ImortisInglorian@social.fbxl.net

Looks like a known issue. At around 40% battery drain increases by 10x. There is a PR to fix it but it has not been merged yet.

PineTime update:

Yesterday I woke up to 55%battery which is what I expected.

Battery drain seems to slow way down as I went to bed with 45%.

Woke up this morning to powered off watch. Put it on the charger and it said battery was at 0%. Then after just a few minutes, it had jumped up to 60%.

I am going to do some searching on the support forum and github to see if this is a known issue.

Only when you perform the wake action, which is configurable. Button, single tap or double tap screen, shake, or raise wrist are all options. I also have it connected to my phone for notifications right now. Might try with that off when I turn off the pulse monitor.

PineTime usage update:
Yesterday was my first day of what I would call normal usage. I was not using playing with it or doing anything with firmware. Had the pulse monitor on all day. Low brightness.

Woke up this morning with battery on 75%. If this trend holds then it is comparable to Fitbits with needing to be charged every 4-5 days.

I will let the battery run down before charging again to see what the life span is. Then I will do it without the pulse monitor.

So far it is very dependant on the firmware, watch face, and what features you have turned on. It lasts a lot longer with the pulse monitor off. Also, the InfiniTime OS is way more efficient than the WaspOS. I am testing it in different configurations and will post my results later.

Got my PineTime in the mail. Very happy with it. Already got the nerdiest watchface I could find. Can't wait to start making my own. May share them in the future.

Golf carts.

Are they really?! JFC, you have got to be kidding me...

My pet pigeon, Cotta. A very good by.

Joke's on you: I have no debt to lock in.

I felt like shit after the first one. Muscle aches, fever, and weirdly vivid dreams.

I must be a deviant than. I got the the hookup on some good stuff from a friend in Argentina. He says the brand matters and the canned stuff is vile. I can't confirm or deny most of that, but the brand I was recommended is quite nice.

I only saw one or two errors. I am not checking socials every 30 mins, either so I am probably not the best measure.

Had an interesting conversation last night with someone on Economics.

They were claiming capitalism was bad and was proposing central planning of the economy in one manner. Their propose reason that capitalism is so bad is because monopolies form. I pointed out that monopolies are almost always a result of the government interfering with the market, so you're replacing one form of central planning with another form of central planning.

They talked about railways....that were granted a monopoly by special government action... Or telephones... That were granted a monopoly by special government action. Really, even much of the current tech boom is caused by government distortion in the market including messing with debt markets so there's an extreme excess of capital searching for somewhere to grow. There's a lot of zombie businesses that aren't competitive but for their massive size and access to near free capital for massive businesses caused by the government alone.

Apparently I'm ANCAP for pointing this out.

Frankly, pointing out the dangers of thinking every problem requires the government to solve and ignoring that the problems we're trying to solve were caused by previous central planners not being as smart as they thought they were and haviglng more central planning in response means no rules just capitalism and anarchism is nonsense. Its a death spiral at that point.


Viva frei running for the PPC. Hope he does well.

I don't post a lot on here, but I want to boost this project as much as I can. The guy's who make this Tabletop RPG do good work. I am a fan of all their games. Wanted to put this out to an audience that might not see it otherwise.

