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sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

I think most people's financial situation is worse than their 401(k) suggests. Debt loads are extreme and growing. Real wages are dropping. And while a minority of people might be on track to pay off their homes by retirement, many have homes so expensive they will die with a mortgage, or they'll be stuck renting in a world where rents are rising much faster than income.

There's rumors that Joe Biden is in hospice care right now. Now I don't need that to be true for the point I'm about to make: if he dies today, he'll die essentially at work, his last days on earth being work. A lot of us if we're not careful are on track for a similar existence. I think that's something that should terrify people. Your work is not your life and it certainly should not be your last act before death.

A lot of people will say that we don't have a chance as younger generations, and as a bloc that may be true, but individuals are not the bloc they are a part of. Individuals can make decisions that aren't normal, such as choosing higher paid but unpopular fields, or going to unpopular but inexpensive places to live, or many other choices that aren't the same as your cohort but could help you succeed nonetheless. What might those be? It's really individual. If there was one answer everyone would have done it already. Pick your hard.

401(k) balances in the US by age bracket, per CNBC:

I don't like the American use of the word "liberal" to mean "far left". There's nothing liberal about socialist mass violation of people's rights.

Tbf, it doesn't matter which OS you're running, if you open the gates to a Trojan horse your city will be filled with Greeks.

The practice of giving another company full ring 0 access to all your business critical machines is nuts, and the fact there's only massive problems every couple years is only by pure luck.

A lot of people are so caught up in their deep hatred that they can't see anything else. It's frustrating because people doing that aren't all bad people, some are otherwise quite lovely, and it's really annoying that they are so blinded.

Oh, I know. A trillion dollars of debt my son is on the hook for, and nothing in our lives got any better.

When that American first called Canada Soviet Canuckistan back in the 90s or 2000s we laughed, but nobody's laughing anymore since it's increasingly apparent it's true.

Sent to concentration camp just because I have ADD.

The Virgin "I am so smart" vs the Chad "I am fuckin retarded"

In one of my personal rants I called them "magical fuckin environmentalism boxes"..

I don't think it'll be a popular opinion amongst the people that I tend to chat with, but I actually wanted the Democrats to lose the last election so they can win more elections.

I didn't want them to lose because they necessarily have to lose because I'm a Republican partisan, but because the Republicans absolutely destroyed themselves after 2007, and that led to the Obama presidency as well as a supermajority in the Senate and a healthy majority in Congress.

That destruction ended up leading to a period where they were trying to figure out a new way to be that was actually going to win the elections again, and eventually that led to Donald Trump, who is far palatable than the neocon strategy of the George W. Bush era.

I have a sneaking suspicion that they all know what's about to happen now, and what I had hoped would happen back in 2020 just took a few more years to play out -- they know that they're about to get their shit packed in, and in the same way that the Republican party was schizophrenic for a while there because they couldn't figure out a winning formula, the Democrats just don't have a winning formula. They're going to keep on trying different things until they find something that sticks, and as much as everyone thinks that it would be something that worked in the past -- woke environmentalism was a winning strategy in 2007, but it isn't 2007 anymore and woke environmentalism has run its course just as neoconservativism had been a winning strategy but had also run its course.

Woke environmentalism will of course continue to exist, (Nikki Haley is still in government for example) but it isn't going to be the same driving force it was, something new and more palatable will become the thing. What will it be? No idea yet. But if we're being totally honest, I think that there's a lot of stuff on the progressive side of things that can still draw voters without pissing them off. If you think about it, a lot of Republicans are using a lot of terminology from occupy Wall Street before it went woke, so I think that there's a lot of Andy corporate stuff that they could step up to. Of course that doesn't look real right now because woke environmentalists are the establishment, but if Trump drains the swamp like he's saying he's going to then it could be that by the time the next generation of democrat strategy comes to pass it will be against an establishment that is largely Trumpian.

It doesn't feel possible in the moment that people could possibly want to go back to the democrats, but on the other hand in 2008 for a lot of people it didn't feel like anyone could possibly ever want to support Republicans.

[Admin Mode] just did a quick reboot of the relevant stuff, requiring a change to DNS.

You do have to be careful of slaynews as a source. It's obviously got a very specific agenda they're pushing so even if they say things you like you have to triple check everything from them.

Probably because they have to pretend that they weren't lying out of their asses literally 4 days ago.

Still looking forward to a bloc quebecois loyal opposition.

I've been really finding that almost all the western movies and music I consume are over 10 years old.

And you might go "Oh, well you're just getting old and you like the nostalgia", but a lot of it I've never seen before!

Not to mention, stuff not out of the west I'm enjoying weekly. It's just the Hollywood system that's failing to produce anything I want to watch.

(I guess there's been a very small number of examples of good stuff made in the past 10 years I watched and enjoyed, but not many, and they sort of prove that it isn't like I'm dogmatically avoiding western media made in the past 10 years)

There's a big thing: You need ID to buy booze, or cigarettes, or to get a bank account, or to drive a car -- there's lots of things you need ID for.

Is the hypothesis that these supposedly disenfranchised voters live the lives of amish monks?

This is the second worst thing an Austrian has ever done!!!

Drm-free media is worth a premium imo

Of course, since that often isn't an option, people often get it at a steep 100% discount.
