FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...


Most of us don't have a butler to do our shopping so we know full well nobody's seeing 2% Y-o-Y on anything that matters.

Your generation and my son's generation are on the hook for every penny both parties rack up on the intergenerational credit card. Meanwhile, my generation demands more spending we aren't paying for while attacking the boomers as greedy.

So thanks for the dough, I guess....


Completely changes the moral of this song


I feel like the only winning move with a guy like that is not to play. It's like making fun of the Kardashians -- even if you win, what exactly do you expect to achieve?

Doesn't matter anyway except insofar as he's putting up legislation that won't pass so his party can pretend they would have passed it but for the other team not voting for it. They'll get Congress and the Senate and it'll be deafening how silent they'll be on these topics.

There's some stuff they seem to have done right, considering the etymological roots of algebra, alchemy, and alcohol. The Islamic golden age and it's aftermath should be a lesson but our ruling class doesn't read history.

I'm more interested in the idea of this ancient work surviving for millennia elsewhere and then triggering a literal Renaissance when it comes back.

The story of the arabs curating Greek writings then those coming back is one of the most interesting out there.

[admin mode] restarted everything and changed IP addresses about an hour ago. It helped, but I think there's some regional connectivity issues going on.

Maybe for the sort of people who habitually read slate ...

I tend to agree with you that the likelihood of a full mad Max civilizational collapse is pretty limited. If you have a region that is fully capable of maintaining its own electricity using resources such as solar or hydroelectric as well as maintaining its own food supplies, and doing a reasonable job of internal defense and external defense, then there's no reason to believe that such a region won't be able to maintain itself. The places that are most at risk are going to be the big cities that rely on other regions to jam them full of material resources. In scenarios like the bronze age collapse, the code orders were just fine, and even the nation of Egypt continued to bump along, but other civilizations such as the Minoans were completely erased from history for millennia.

I tend to think that the places that will be hardest hit in an apocalypse scenario will be the ones that can't actually sustain themselves. Mortality rates in overpopulated regions will be astronomical since there won't be anything nearby to deal with all of the people to feed. For parallel to that, you can look at the Harappan civilization, also known as the Indus valley Civilization which collapsed leaving basically nothing. That occurred in part because of changes to the climate and also degradation of the soil. There seem to be evidence of the Harappan civilization in the stories of Hindu, which does suggest that somebody made it out alive, as far as I know even today that region is barren and unpopulated.

I don't think we can make predictions as to which currency might be in use. Over the past 8000 years gold has been something that kept its value, but many things that were also considered valuable stopped being valuable. My favorite example is aluminum which was once a precious metal more valuable than gold and today we make disposable drink containers out of it. I tend to think that the Internet functioning to the extent cryptos would need it to is likely a bit aspirational even in a mild collapse scenario as international infrastructure would be the first thing to stop working, since regional conflicts would likely not desire a global network to allow tactical and strategic information to sieve through.

For years I've been warning about the limitations of EVs, and I was told I'm stupid or I'm lying or I'm wrong. The thing is, the real world doesn't care about arguments, it cares about whether the thing does what it needs to do how it does it.

We're on episode 4 of "I parry everything" and in the comments I see lots of people going "oh god he's so dense does this stop?" but I just wanna say "bro I'm 5 novels in, he just parried an elder god to death, and he's still as humble and dense as he always was"

O&O Shutup10 (free of charge) will let you totally stop windows updates. Obviously not something you want to do with something directly on the public Internet, but if you're behind a firewall it'd be just fine.

Kamala isn't a real person. She'll be whatever she is told to be. Monday she'll throw a bunch of innocent people in jail, Tuesday she'll raise money to keep them out of jail. Whatever she's told to say and do she'll say or do.

One key difference between nonstick pans and cast iron pans is they're not nonstick pans. Project Farm did a roundup of nonstick pans and the result on camera was conclusive imo:


I get a kick out of the idea that the Biden administration and its overwhelmingly left wing bureaucracy would decide to help Donald Trump win the election. (95% of federal bureaucrats who donated to a political party donated to democrats according to one source which I'll admit was biased and may be wrong)

I don't understand, it's just the same person 3 times?
