FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

@alex Is there now, or are there plans to eventually have, a migration path from rebased as a back-end to ditto?

I really pissed off a "covid is the worst thing to happen to the human race ever" guy by pointing out the difference between covid, the spanish flu, tuberculosis, and smallpox. In my own country, the number of deaths was way higher under the others, and that's not even correcting for per capita -- there was 1/8th the population and double the deaths over comparable periods of time during those pandemics.

Tuberculosis in particular is a disease with undeniable long-term effects, and unlike something like covid (or even its vaccine -- which might have pissed him off even more since that part of the analysis totally breaks the "you're on the other side" narrative), it was overwhelming. Of the people who got tb, half of them had measurable damage to their lungs that would have to be managed for the rest of their lives. Neither COVID nor COVID vaccines have that level of immediate damage to that overwhelming percentage of the people who get it.

The same guy found a study showing that the covid virus found a way to suppress the immune system and so was continually making the claim that covid gives you AIDS, but if the implication of anyone who got covid gets AIDS (which implies a condition commensurate with getting HIV/AIDS) much of the world (because in spite of vaccines many many people got COVID) would have died of rare viruses and bacteria. Instead, several years after the fact things are really back to normal other than the societal scars left behind by the political tools used during the pandemic. It's similar to all the studies that kill cancer cells in a petri dish and people claim there's all these cures for cancer, but it's easy to kill cancer cells on their own, it's much harder to kill cancer cells and not destroy the rest of the human body.

We should ban volcanoes. Heavy fines levied against all volcanoes.

A couple weeks ago, I was investigating the idea of what fascism actually is, because it's often uses a carry-all to talk about every single thing that people don't like about government. It makes a lot of sense to just call fascism date socialism where everything is brought under the banner of the state. This is in contrast to German national socialism, which is racial socialism where everyone is brought under the banner of a certain race and anyone who isn't part of that race is obviously pushed out, or class socialism where everyone is brought under the banner of one class.

It seems to me that by this definition the world is under the grip of state socialism, or fascism. Churches which don't bow to the ideology of the state end up essentially being written out of existence, big business is being bent to the will of the state and we get to see out in the open now what happens with people like Elon Musk who don't follow orders. At the moment, the Democrats are certainly fully fascist, they intend to bring everything under the banner of the state. But let's not pretend that there isn't a significant faction of the Republicans who want the exact same thing. Just look at Liz Cheney who just endorsed Kamala Harris because of course she did.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if she lost despite a massive fundraising advantage?

Honestly, even though she's the weakest presidential candidate in my lifetime, it's possible she wins since the entire establishment is holding enough water for her to irrigate the Sahara.

I'm kind of torn...

When I was younger, all in on democracy. Should be obvious given that for a good chunk of my life democracies were basically where it's at.

Over time though, you see the cracks start to form. Democracy doesn't necessarily mean that an informed populace is selecting the best people for the job. It can also mean that the people who end up in charge of the country are those who are the most manipulative and conniving. You don't win elections by having the best policies, you win elections by being the best manipulator. Even people who are reasonably intelligent can be overwhelmingly manipulated, if the people doing the manipulation have such overwhelming resources that they can dominate discussions.

At this point, it's pretty easy to convince me that at the very least universal suffrage isn't good. It's like... You can vote for who's in charge once you prove you can manage your own life.

You know, fair enough. Same as the articles in 2024 talking about them darn millennials when some of them are in their 40s. Given how much I know the media lies about a lot of things, I ought to know better than to adopt their shorthand.


And then update the renderer with:


It is insane seeing doom 2 in full RTX glory.

After many years of attempts to move the doom sprites into 3d that were cringeworthy, they came up with a brilliantly simple idea of converting the sprites to voxels so the 2d sprites inhabit a 3d space. It looks the same from all the cardinal directions, but it inhabits 3d space and will look different from all 360 degrees.

Voxels are usually a minimally impactful graphics mod, but with ray casting, it means that now players, power-ups, enemies, and props have a presence in 3d space which is important for ray tracing.

this is really important because the original RT mod for doom from a little while back relied on the 2d sprites and so there were some pretty major visual glitches since it had to do 3d lighting based on the 2d projection and it didn't quite look right. Now, the lighting is done based on an object in 3d space, and so it looks "right".

"it turns out people need cars they can actually use because they don't all have cushy government work from home 'jobs'"

Honestly, I may be a millennial, but I don't regularly buy avocado for anything at all so I just used it as an example, but you are correct that the key is finding those daily recurring expenses like daily coffee on the road or meals out instead of brown bagging it.

Smart money doesn't keep money in money for the exact reason you're talking about.

Got fbxl search back up and running as well as my remote administration path. Don't upgrade distros an hour before you leave for a week, it's bad for your heart.

Recently I saw another post criticizing this viewpoint, saying that they quit avocado toast for a weekend they're not a millionaire. Reality is that virtue is a habit, and virtue compounds just as vice compounds.

So to get the real rewards of being responsible, you have to keep being responsible every day. Then one day you wake up and a few dollars at a time you realize you've built something surprising with your life.

I almost immediately had to shut down the postmodern deconstructionist critic in my head once I started raising my son, because clever people can turn anything into a double entendre or something sus or something that represents some fictional trope, and you can't be that way with a child. Put up a bunch of stupid barriers and all you do is communicate less effectively with this tiny life that needs you to be authentic and show them truth directly.

Holding a one week old baby in my arms letting his mom sleep, and I say "I love you, my beautiful son" and you have to shut down the one part of your brain that says "haha gay" and the other part that says "sus" and the third part that says "you know this is exactly how every dead parent in a movie acts before they get hit with a train" because in that moment the world isn't so complex, there's a baby relying on you for everything and you have a duty to perform, and from the core of your being you're ready, willing, and thankful to be able to perform it.

๐Ÿ˜‚ ...๐Ÿ˜ญ

The desire for "legacy" can be a really dangerous thing. It leads people to try to do things that aren't good ideas because they think those things represent progress, and they want to be remembered for the progress they created.

Writing the above was sort of an "aha" moment for me, because that explains exactly why so much retarded shit is being pushed through right now, since a lot of leaders are on the verge of death (and someone like Trudeau is just a true believer in the retardation being enabled by the old-ass retards surrounding him)

A true legacy is sort of boring -- it's acting with discipline and principle for a very long time rather than trying to throw out a bunch of revolutions in the last few years of your life. It's like being the "fun dad" vs. the disciplinarian dad who makes you do your homework every night. The former might think he's doing something special that'll make you remember him for doing some flash in the pan fun stuff, but the latter is building your life in ways that'll ripple positively over generations.

My dad recently said "I used to hate Mulroney, I thought he was an arrogant asshole and he was hurting Canada. Now I finally understand he was doing what the country needs to survive and we're living through what would have happened if he didn't do those things"

We've been a red family for generations, we're now outspoken blue (and when blue isn't blue enough, purple)

"The teevee told me I'm a good person if I support her so I support her because I'm a good person"

don't actually know what skibidi toilet is, i'm just aware of it as a concept, like female orgasms
i don't really care to look further into it, as a deeper understanding will not aid me in any measurable way, also like female orgasms
