FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

It's pretty cool, I've been running a minetest server for ages now, but I sort of forgot about it. Recently someone asked me to help out with something in the server and I found all kinds of cool things people built. Sometimes if you build it they do actually come.

(BTW, minetest with what used to be called mineclone but is now called VoxeLibre is a great thing that doesn't have accounts some central authority can ban)

I want 2 mighty mouse genes. Genetic engineering lets goooooooo

One of the biggest dangers is assuming that because someone is intelligent they will come up with the right answer, and that because someone is unintelligent they will come up with the wrong answer.

Intelligence is a tool, like a knife. A knife can be used to create, or to destroy. It can be used to set up a camp or perform a life-saving surgery, it can be used to stab an innocent person. It can be used to oppose tyranny, but it can also be used to support tyranny. Ironically, intelligence is a tool, and like any tool it's stupid. It only becomes smart with wisdom and humanity behind it.

We are the most intelligent civilization in world history, but we are the least wise. We've extremely intelligently disregarded all our historical wisdom, sure that we can rebuild new wisdom with our vast intellect. Unfortunately, that's cutting off your left hand to make your right hand stronger -- it works, but you can never grow your left hand back. That shows though, that you can't assume that if there's a right answer that the people who come to that answer are necessarily more intelligent.

Ironically, while many "right wingers" or "conservatives" think we need to build something new, it makes a lot more sense to start learning ancient wisdom again, including the old poems such as the epic of Gilgamesh and other Mesopotamian legends, early and later Greeks, Romans, early Christians such as St. Augustine, legends from cultures like the celts or the nords, and stories from eastern Europe. I think we can even learn a lot from cultures such as China, where Confucianism is the most conservative ideology in existence, or India where they have the largest canon in existence accumulated over millennia. Building a slightly different progressive postmodern ideology I think isn't actually a win for the right, it's just another form of win for the left.

The only thing that can work that isn't merely a retarded version of leftist ideology is to use that ancient wisdom as the soil from which a new vibrant plant can grow. Looking at the past and learning from our ancestors, from there we can determine a path forward built on the knowledge we used to have about how humans work as the foundation. Jordan Peterson does this in his book Maps of Meaning, where he looks at ancient stories through the lens of common archetypes and finds often the same stories are told over and over again. Some of the things people get mad about him saying aren't really thinks he's saying, but things all of humanity's wisdom tell us told through many cultures stories. Instead of looking at them as literal stories, they make much more sense as allegory and symbolism.

Answers that are correct often start small and grow as people around you see the wisdom in what you're doing. Find the right answers and over time it will grow.

Reminds me of the quote attributed to Gandhi, but incorrectly:

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"

It doesn't matter who said it, I think it's fitting. They're fighting and they're losing because you can't bully everyone forever.

Notwithstanding the fact that certain ideologies are deeply hostile to most normal people right now, I tend to agree with you. Good ideas are good ideas, and bad ideas are bad ideas, we need to retain the good and filter the bad regardless of their source. One of the rhetorical tricks used by net evil factions is to package good ideas with horrible ideas so you can push through your horrible ideas, because the good of the good ideas can be dwarfed by the bad of horrible ideas.

As for your main point, I think a lot of people have been damaged into thinking that the only way things can work is top down, and that's one of the reasons everyone's feeling so shitty -- Someone convinces you that you can only be granted change rather than making it for yourself, and suddenly you've had a slice of your humanity taken away from you.

I remember, I had a similar event when I was a younger man. I had just broken up with a crazy lady. She was the sort who would try to control you through constant accusations, and the only way to sort of keep the peace was to comply. So once I left her, I had my crappy bronco ii, and filled in some of the holes with riveted tin, and I spraypainted the whole thing from top to bottom in mat black. Looked like shit, but it was like "I'm doing this, I don't need to ask permission, and if it turns out like shit it's my thing that looks like shit". It was a big moment for me, a realization that you can and sometimes should just do things.

It did end up looking like shit, but I wasn't done. I ended up tearing out the dash and the headliner and doing it all up custom (padding and fabric), and it looked terrible and probably would have killed everyone in a 5 mile radius if I ever got in a crash, but I didn't care because it was my customized piece of crap. I even redid the dashboard plastic, taking plexiglass and painting the back in black with a stencil so it looked like one piece of glass with openings for the various things. Again, didn't look great, and if there was any resale value I had destroyed it completely by making it look terrible, but it was my little piece of crap.

Having now learned that I have the agency to do what I want even if it ends in something objectively terrible and even if it does the world doesn't end, I later started to realize the power in just doing your best. Most people don't try to excel, they just want to do what is standard or even just what is required. That can mean at work, but it especially means at home. There's overwhelming evidence in many ways that lots of people aren't putting in any effort, so just doing your best, doing what you think is right is actually a revolutionary act because history is written by those who show up.

There's another piece of that too, because a lot of other people are still stuck in the box, still thinking they need permission to act, permission to make decisions in their own lives. There's a lot of people who wouldn't ever think they are even allowed to paint their own piece of crap car, and people who think they aren't allowed to raise their kids right, and people who think they aren't allowed to make a video game, and people who think they aren't allowed to write a book, and people who think they aren't allowed to pick up trash. Whatever it is, people think they aren't allowed without getting some big corporate or government sponsorship, so they don't even try.

The sounds of my childhood (or at least a part of it)

This might have been made by a wannabe socialist revolutionary (I literally don't know, it could honestly have been), but it's still filled with deep truth.

It's a good video that suggests that in the context of what we're talking about, we need to go small again, and have the people owning their own plot of land. Metaphorically, that suggests to me something I've been talking a lot about lately, having your own little slice of the world. Once game development is mechanized and made into a billion dollar industry of virtual serfs tilling someone else's land it was always ripe for perversion.

So it's like other things in life right now -- we need to make our own things, own them, not give them up in the face of rewards from empire. In so doing we'll be free, and likely happier. But a small farm will only ever produce a small amount and we need to refocus our visions to account for that. Instead of coveting the corrupt cities, we should be looking instead at what our own lands can produce. It won't be bright and shiny, it won't field giant armies to conquer the entire continent, but it'll be honest and it can be good...

Rome is decadent, all we can do is find a hermitage and start rebuilding quietly so we can emerge once the city is empty.

Strategic reserves are soooo 1950. We're a Just In time manufacturing base now. So if we lose it, we'll stop making things just in time for world war 3.

For the record, FBXL is and always has been a BASIC site and that's not going to change.

I always feel like if you're a game developer you're sort of selling the family farm if you don't want to have the competence internally to build a game engine. I might just be really old school in this regard, but it seems like most of the best game developers of all time had an engine in house, got really good at it, and were able to turn over great games pretty quickly that did exactly what they wanted them to do.

"more security!" "Oh cool so you're gonna do something about all those confirmed Chinese spies in your party?" "We're gonna make it illegal to criticize Chinese spies!". Trudeau for MAIID

The BQ and CPC need to get their heads in the game. I want to see a BQ official opposition. 21 fewer seats for the LPC or 21 more seats for the BQ and we can make that happen.

Oh geez, he didn't do this whole thing just for a meme did he?

One thing that I've always gotten a kick out of on Asus products is they always have inspirational phrases on the box that are just way overselling what you've got.

The eeepc box say something like "rock solid - heart touching" -- which is a pretty high bar to set for a computer that was one of the slowest things you could buy new when it was released.

Yes, and something a lot of Keynesians don't understand besides that is that money isn't wealth. You can make line go up but if all you have is a bunch of holes you dug then filled back in then nobody is any wealthier. Youve just got a wasted workforce that still needs to eat and a pile of destroyed shovels. But line went up! And there was taxable GDP!

I think you've got a point there. The unlimited loans give a chance for unlimited revenue, but if there was only limited loans because the banks might have to face bankruptcy or defaults, then there would only be limited money and so only the chance for limited revenue.

Same as the Canadian housing market. When I went to buy my house, they said they'd give me a $650,000 mortgage (at that time, USD and CDN were pretty close together).

U FOKKIN WOT? No I'm not borrowing that much money what the hell is wrong with your brain to think you should ever lend that much money to a private individual? But lots of people will borrow that much, and so the house prices keep going up. In Toronto and Vancouver they would have lent me twice that, and that's absurd and broken.

And now the country is on the verge of a economic meltdown because rates went back to where they were in 2007 -- just 2007!

So yeah, get the government out of banking altogether, but particularly housing and student loans. Watch administrative costs plummet and tuition come back to earth because at some point someone actually needs to pay the cost of what you're selling.
