FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

>You’ve really done it this time. You’ve actually wanked yourself into hospital.

Accurate description of the establishment media in general

I mean, they're both calls for genocide...

I'm older now so I can see the strings, but when I first played this it was one of those crazy moments when it really felt like you were in a new world.

Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge (4/20)


If there's one thing that I've learned, is that you should never go to New York City even once. It clings to you like a fungus. You can live in florida, and don't worry you worry they'll drag you right back via the fungus.

Maybe the media pretends it doesn't know what a woman is for plausible deniability for guys like Weinstein?

"Your honor, I don't even know what a woman is! Watch this 17 hour documentary I made expressing my confusion!"

A lot of people on SNL and in comedy in general used to be funny. The problem is that they got infected with the stupid around 2016. I mean they were already a little bit dim, but this was a full blown outbreak.

Rock megastar was sitting around at 32 going "should I just die of an overdose?", and while clutching this photo goes "no. I have to stay healthy for my future girlfriend. Do it for her."

I'm going to try out moonlight to stream from my PC to my TV.

It does work great for streaming to other devices, the question is whether it'll work on android TV.

Little guy loves watching me play racing games of any kind. He goes "cars!" And gets all excited. So my mission is clear.

Wtf I love Lululemon now

If you're trying to get data from a secure network to a less secure one, there's a device called a data diode which can't be hacked traditionally because it can only send signals outward and not inward. Think of a fiber optic cable where you only have a transmitter on one side and a receiver on the other, or an AM radio -- you can't hack the radio station no matter how you turn the dial on your am radio because the info only moves from the station to your radio. Contrast with a 2-way link into a secure network from a third party.

We all remember the recent event where half the earth crashed because a security company sent an update, and there was an event earlier where solar winds had a bad cert that allowed bad actors to access dozens of companies carte Blanche.

Trusting an info sec company that can write to your network is bullshit. If these companies cared about security they wouldn't allow data to be sent back and forth like this.

Kaspersky antivirus just installed a while new antivirus to all their us customers without asking permission. This is all evidence that infosec is bullshit because it you get into infosec companies you get privileged access to tons of critical networks.

"Ah, I've had hallucinations like this before, I think I've woken up but it's just a dream, isn't it? I should have realized I wasn't going to wake up today..."

ARIENU DESU NE? Hai. Arienu so desu.


I hope you didn't deface such a thing in the glorious nation of Nippon. Shamefur dispuray, great disgrace to famiry.

Dirty Little secret most people don't know is that most web browsers are either written by Google (via chromium), or substantially supported by funding from Google to keep the search engine as Google.

One of the immediate outcomes of the recent antitrust suit against Google for this practice is therefore going to be that many web browsers are scrambling for new sources of revenue.

But I will say, when you realize just how much revenue Firefox has been earning, it seems like they should be more than capable of maintaining a web browser and email client forever based on money they should have in the bank...

The idea that anyone who voted against George W. Bush for Katrina is still voting for Harris is mind blowing to me. Turns out he just needed to wear a rainbow flag and all his political sins would be forgiven!

Seems like a good example of someone reinventing the wheel because they get tax money, and in the process asking for a bunch of stuff that isn't theirs.

You've used free wi-fi before. I've used free wi-fi before. You don't need to run code from some mega state to use it, you just sign up and press on through the TOS.

Much of North Africa used to be Christian before the Islamic conquerors came and took the place over. Even parts of Europe were taken over by Islamic conquerors, particularly Spain. People need to know more history.
