FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

The libertarian answer to the marriage problem seems the smartest to me. Marriage isn't a state ceremony, it's a religious ceremony. So let the religions do what they do, let God sort 'em out, and remove any reference to it in law (including tax law).


I mean, they aren't entirely wrong. Kamala was never a good candidate. She couldn't beat a wet paper bag (which I should remind you would still be of color and lack a penis)

Sure, but you'll be in year two asking "Why can't you change a receptacle?"

If only we had a woman for president, she'd be so nice and things would be so positive. There'd be no fighting. (Said nobody who had ever been around women ever)

I have another recurring dream, but unlike some of them, I can't make heads or tails out of it.

I'm back in college, but I'm explicitly taking a course that isn't really going to do anything for me -- I already have a related and higher version of what I'm taking in the dream, so the whole thing is futile. But regardless, I'm struggling. Not because I can't do the work, but because of peripheral stuff like remembering to show up on schedule for the right classes.

Then I start trying to show up for classes, and it's a struggle, but then you show up 3/4 of the way through the class and it's really tough trying to catch up.

But there's a whole false drama about it all. "Oh my god! You might not graduate if you don't get this done!" but in my brain even in the dream I'm like "So? Graduating literally does nothing beneficial for me..."

Choose 20 games that have had a big impact on you. One game per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no ratings, no particular order. #GameChallenge (17/20)


You know, Mario using the ultimate taboo of trying to practice alchemy on the human body and losing his arms and his brother's whole body in recompense and all his adventures being his attempt at penance so he can someday get his brothers body back is really funny to think about.

I kinda want to play that mario game.

I'm hoping for him to win the popular vote, totally shutting up the one thing we constantly have to listen to that he won the contest he entered instead of another different contest someone else imagined might be better.

I've written before on here about the ghost world I see: Go outside, go to the park every day during the Summer and in all the days you can in Spring and Fall, sometimes 2-3 times per day. You have the park to yourself. You have the streets to yourself. There aren't as many kids as there used to be, but there are still a lot of kids in a big city, but it's as if they don't exist at all.

History will be written by those who show up. The people who do have kids, do raise them, and those present kids who do show up themselves. There won't be many.

In some ways listing the games from 1998, 26 years ago, is a damning indictment of the games industry.

"I shouldn't be here! I should be in school!"

Young girl comments on her abusive parents without realizing it

Something odd about glasses...

So there's two main types of eye problem (There's lots, but these two cover what I'm talking about right now) -- short sightedness and far sightedness.

You might think they're similar, but they couldn't be more different.

A far sighted young person can focus on near things often, but it takes great strain and effort. As they age their eyes become more brittle and they may lose that ability, but focusing close-up can require really pushing your eye and your eye muscles even when you're young. When you get glasses and you're far sighted, it takes stress off your eye.

A near sighted person often has better than 20/20 vision close to them without their glasses, but their far sight is just wrong. When you get glasses and you're nearsighted, it is like a whole new world is revealed to you.

Anyway, I'm old and far-sighted, and doing glasses repairs is a nightmare. Trying to fix your eye fixers while your eyes are broken sucks! haha

I think this is an important note. There's more than one country on earth, and they all tried different things, and so we can tell what the different countries did. The thing is, there was no country that managed to completely eliminate covid. Island nations like Japan or New Zealand were able to keep it away from its people longer, but eventually even those countries face the same problems everyone else did. There were countries that had 100% vaccination rates and if you had believed the media at the time then those countries should have had no covid, but that's not what happened.

I think it will be long after covid is in the rear view mirror and it's no longer is highly politicized as it is even now, somebody will do a longitudinal study of all the different countries and their responses and the results of each set of actions. It'll probably be really interesting irrespective of contemporary politics.

I'm working on a big election day article about it, but I think it's Trump.

The Dems used up a lot of their political capital to get here, and a lot of their short term decisions are catching up to them.

Just imagine an alternative universe where y2k actually ended the world.

Saddest thing is he's still far to the left of Bill Clinton in the 1990s.

We had a doctor who only seemed to be able to prescribe T3s. Life changing when we got a real doctor.

A Kia is a lower end Hyundai. A Nissan is a lower end fiat.

Wow! I'm making -- an open source, community-focused alternative to that anyone can self-host.

As of this morning, there are 99 and who have set up profiles on https://bandwagon.fm -- and half of those already indexable on search engines.

So I'm humbled by the number of people who are giving it a go. There's obviously lots of people out there looking for something new.

I promise to do my best to give y'all the tools you deserve.
