SO2 combines with H2O in the air to create H2SO3, sulfurous acid. The sulfurous acid is unstable and will combine with oxygen to produce hydrochloric acid 2o2 + 2h2so3 -> 2h2so4 which will then combine with H2O, condense into raindrops, and fall as acid rain which is typically not good for anything, but is particularly good at defoliating trees.
According to an article I read, they'd need to dump 2 million tons every year into the stratosphere. Now granted we do create a lot of local SO2 by burning fuels with higher sulphur, but thats rather local pollution compared to beaming it high up all around the world to block a bunch of sun.
According to an article I read, they'd need to dump 2 million tons every year into the stratosphere. Now granted we do create a lot of local SO2 by burning fuels with higher sulphur, but thats rather local pollution compared to beaming it high up all around the world to block a bunch of sun.
I hate it when authoritarian progs use the word "liberal". They're not liberal. That isn't what that word means, they're just left.
Tulsi Gabbard, former vice-chair of the DNC, elected representative of her state from 2013 to 2021, and veteran of the Iraq war, is now confirmed as being on a US government terror watchlist. Every time she flies, her ticket has a label "SSSS" which tells the TSSA to thoroughly check her for contraband such as bombs or weapons.
Look, you don't need to agree with her on issues to realize there's something deeply wrong here. No, Tulsi Gabbard isn't a terrorist. She's not going to bring any bombs on a plane. The reason she's on that list is because the process is the punishment and she's being punished for dissenting from the establishment.
And if that can happen, then why should anyone believe anything the government is saying or doing? If they're willing to do something so slimy to one of "their own", why wouldn't they be willing to do worse to their actual ideological enemies?
Look, you don't need to agree with her on issues to realize there's something deeply wrong here. No, Tulsi Gabbard isn't a terrorist. She's not going to bring any bombs on a plane. The reason she's on that list is because the process is the punishment and she's being punished for dissenting from the establishment.
And if that can happen, then why should anyone believe anything the government is saying or doing? If they're willing to do something so slimy to one of "their own", why wouldn't they be willing to do worse to their actual ideological enemies?
I graduated in 2006, but honestly my college was fine. The program was heavily focused on the subject matter and there just wasn't much time to waste discussing anything else.
Now that being said, it was a very condensed program and it was extremely difficult, especially since I was working sometimes 16 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Sunday alongside the program itself.
Along the way, I had a serious existential crisis because I was busting my ass 7 days a week and most days over 12 hours a day and especially on weekends after a 16 hour shift I showed up early for and left late because of the way bus schedules landed, and I'd pass through some dodgy areas of town -- hookers hanging out in an abandoned section of town, passing by bars with huge waiting lines, and while I tried to at least take solace in the moral superiority of hard work and sacrifice, postmodern egalitarianism strongly suggests that a hard working student and a lazy drug addict are essentially the same. It would be really nice if there was a universal math equation for how to live a good life but it doesn't actually exist quite like that, so eventually I had to realize my gut was telling me the truth -- I knew deep down what was impressive and what was not regardless of meaninglessness written in stars and atoms.
It's that age where young people often fight to try to understand the world, and I can understand totally where a slick talker can hit a midwit and convince them of a lot. If instead of working through my existential crisis on my own I went to some deeply communist authority figure, I could imagine being led down a bad path, especially being on my own for the first time, being far from home and especially for people who are used to life being relatively easy with their parents taking care of them at home and public school curriculum being designed so literal retards can pass to keep the numbers up.
Now that being said, it was a very condensed program and it was extremely difficult, especially since I was working sometimes 16 hours on Saturday and 12 hours on Sunday alongside the program itself.
Along the way, I had a serious existential crisis because I was busting my ass 7 days a week and most days over 12 hours a day and especially on weekends after a 16 hour shift I showed up early for and left late because of the way bus schedules landed, and I'd pass through some dodgy areas of town -- hookers hanging out in an abandoned section of town, passing by bars with huge waiting lines, and while I tried to at least take solace in the moral superiority of hard work and sacrifice, postmodern egalitarianism strongly suggests that a hard working student and a lazy drug addict are essentially the same. It would be really nice if there was a universal math equation for how to live a good life but it doesn't actually exist quite like that, so eventually I had to realize my gut was telling me the truth -- I knew deep down what was impressive and what was not regardless of meaninglessness written in stars and atoms.
It's that age where young people often fight to try to understand the world, and I can understand totally where a slick talker can hit a midwit and convince them of a lot. If instead of working through my existential crisis on my own I went to some deeply communist authority figure, I could imagine being led down a bad path, especially being on my own for the first time, being far from home and especially for people who are used to life being relatively easy with their parents taking care of them at home and public school curriculum being designed so literal retards can pass to keep the numbers up.
I like reacts on soapbox. I can give an indication of what I'm trying to say when I react to a post, rather than just +1 (good)
"Still waiting" for it to turn out to be true, which will never happen because it's a lie. It was a lie back then, It's still a lie, if they tell the truth that it's a lie, the lie remains a lie.
Because it was a blatant, bald-faced, shameless lie. It was an irredeemable lie that led to millions of deaths and untold suffering.
And despite being lying liars who lie, they want to control who gets to call something the truth or "misinformation", after all the lying they did, and are doing, and fully intend to unrepentantly intend to continue to do.
Because it was a blatant, bald-faced, shameless lie. It was an irredeemable lie that led to millions of deaths and untold suffering.
And despite being lying liars who lie, they want to control who gets to call something the truth or "misinformation", after all the lying they did, and are doing, and fully intend to unrepentantly intend to continue to do.
Fewer young people in general, generations of military being used for stuff that looks like just dying for big business, weakening of the young we do have leaving a lot of people totally in no shape to be enlisted, and a creeping increase in the number of ways an able-bodied adult male can live without having to worry about work.
This won't be World War 3, it'll be something different because there won't be anyone to fight world war 3.
This won't be World War 3, it'll be something different because there won't be anyone to fight world war 3.
Soapbox also has post scheduling built in (though most people won't use mastodon as their backend for soapbox)
Without a teacher to tell on or an algorithm to bring people who hate each other together, it sure seems like people end up actually just hanging out with other people they like hanging out with.
>be a rioter
>Breakin the law, breakin the law
>Setting hotels on fire n shit
>They made hiding your face illegal
Oh shit I better obey the law
>Breakin the law, breakin the law
>Setting hotels on fire n shit
>They made hiding your face illegal
Oh shit I better obey the law
I think the trigger of monday's market crash was the Bank of Japan raising rates by a miniscule 15 basis points, which took all kinds of wind out of trades that were relying on the fact japan is the only economy left with near 0 interest rates. There was an unimaginable amount of money sitting there. Everything else helped too of course.
Also a lot of big names went out to say that the AI trade isn't actually making any money.
There's still way too much money in the system as you can see by Nvidia being a bloody graphics chip manufacturer and being the largest company on earth for a bit there.
There's a lot going on, though. Everyone who is willing to call an economy bad is ringing alarm bells right now because every indicator that isn't directly under state control looks bad.
Also a lot of big names went out to say that the AI trade isn't actually making any money.
There's still way too much money in the system as you can see by Nvidia being a bloody graphics chip manufacturer and being the largest company on earth for a bit there.
There's a lot going on, though. Everyone who is willing to call an economy bad is ringing alarm bells right now because every indicator that isn't directly under state control looks bad.
He's given up on the politics and it's just spitting bars to people who appreciate them. Which I appreciate.
He's given up on the politics and it's just spitting bars to people who appreciate them. Which I appreciate.
Socialism is just like neighborliness.
I took my gun to my neighbors house, put it to his head, and said "Give me all your money or else" then gave it to whoever I wanted to including a bunch of rich foreigners, and that's just being neighborly!
I took my gun to my neighbors house, put it to his head, and said "Give me all your money or else" then gave it to whoever I wanted to including a bunch of rich foreigners, and that's just being neighborly!
Unfortunately it's common from both parties. In the past 8 years there's been periods where the Dems had all 3 spots and periods when the Republicans had all 3 spots but that's when nothing gets done.
I guess the upside is it would be rough if the laws were changing every 2 years as power dynamics shifted with new elections.
I guess the upside is it would be rough if the laws were changing every 2 years as power dynamics shifted with new elections.
Important part of american politics: if Trump wins and there's a huge majority elected in both houses, they won't even talk about such a bill. They only vote on bills like this when they can't possibly win
I often like seeing the requests for advice on some websites "my wife is a nurse, I'm a doctor, combined income 1900k/yr, we have 17 cents in debt and a paid off 7 billion dollar house, we have a fleet of cars signed by Henry Ford himself, but we're never going to be able to retire!"