FBXL Social

sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

One of the most important parts of the "student debt" debate is that much of that money is likely not spent on tuition, but on living expenses, and "living" isn't the same for everyone.

I lived a pretty cheap life in college and so didn't end up with many student loans, they're all paid back now. Other people bought cars, went on vacations, held parties, and overall lived like they were living in a boomer college movie.

People might argue that the student loan industry and higher education are predatory. I'd counter that the "Taxpayers should pay back my student loans" argument is predatory. After getting an elite education and a chance to join the upper class and for some people the literal 4-year vacation of a lifetime, suddenly it's everyone's responsibility to pay for that for them?

The colleges already get massive government subsidies from the taxpayer, go after the colleges to use that money to eliminate tuitions, rather than further fleecing taxpayers (or unborn generations) to pay for individual's personal consumption. If you think of the actual cost of goods, a university classroom can pay for itself with just a few students, even without government assistance. 10 students paying a tuition of 10k a year, well that's 100k right there, but in reality many classes have a lot more than 10 students to start, sometimes classes can have huge numbers of students in a year. It means there needs to be a lot less administration, but the idea of universities are already virtually self-sufficient by themselves with fairly low tuition costs, and then they get millions in funding from the government (even private institutions with huge amounts of money in the bank get hundreds of millions of dollars from the government), and then they have value added services such as dorms and food plans and the like, it all adds up to something that should be wildly sustainable with much lower costs. Most things I've read suggest the problem is an overwhelming administrative system that dwarfs the size of the actual teaching population, so there's room to cut.

But at the end of the day, tuition is almost immaterial compared to the fact that many student loans went to non-educational causes, and so if people's student loans are forgiven, what we're really saying is that people who never had a chance to become elites because they couldn't afford to go to college should pay for vacations in cancun and keggar parties, we're asking unborn children to pay for party drugs and video games.

I remember back in the day watching this cop show out of Nevada, and they spend an awful lot of time arresting citizens for working without a license.

At the time I was pretty confused, it seemed like a bullshit charge. Even now as a licensed professional it still seems like kind of a bullshit charge.

I use something similar to that to get wifi in my garage. Mine doesn't work great but there's newer versions that probably don't need to be routinely power cycled.

Another option for houses still wired for cable TV is units which provide networking over the cable TV wiring. Particularly good for houses that don't otherwise use that wiring at all.

I'm shocked, poast only started a few months before fbxl social. props on building a robust community in the fediverse, it isn't just a given where you go "if you build it they will come"

Are we just apologizing for things that we had nothing to do with now? Cuz I could get in on this.

"I am deeply sorry for my participation in the Nazi concentration camps. I didn't realize, my German isn't very good, I thought that we were just helping them get over ADHD, obviously I was mistaken and I won't make that mistake again."

"I am so so sorry for my role in the Mongolian invasions. You know how it goes, you watch that one episode of South Park too many times you get all fired up and before you know it you're taking part in conquering most of Asia and Europe. My bad. I've talked it over with my pastor, and I'm going to just have to pray a little bit harder this week."

"I once again have to express my sincerest apologies for my role in the fall of the Western Roman empire. As you no doubt know, they had a custom of drying penises on the ground, and I ended up just having to get my sillies out because it was so funny to me, but I now recognize that my role in the collapse of the Western Roman empire was wrong and I shouldn't have done that.

On that third point, my first printer was a delta kossel, and it was just way too complicated for someone's first printer. I switched to a Tevo Tornado which is a pretty bog standard xyz printer similar to an ender3 or cr-10, and it was just a lot simpler working on it, and it tended to stay good when I wasn't working on it, unlike the delta where you'd spent an hour tweaking and calibrating to get a single good print and when you go back to print a day or two later you'd have to do it all over again, my printer is solid enough that I can leave it alone for quite a bit and with a bit of bed leveling just start printing again.

Would I suggest a Tornado, ender3, or CR-10? Of course not. Those models are 10 years old at this point and the field has moved on. Look at trustworthy reviews of something much newer and you'll have 10 years of R&D you'll benefit from.

Oh, and if you can, try to stay in free and open source ecosystems. One of the things is that if you learn a tool like tinkercad which is free and online, it can go down (and almost did a few years back). If you learn a tool like Fusion360 that is commercial with a free option, then they can mess with that free option at any time and have. Even if you pay for your software, Autodesk has absolutely taken software you paid thousands of dollars for and shut down the activation servers when the software got too old, and suddenly you don't have access to your servers anymore. Also you'll want to be thinking this way for slicers and device firmware, since they might need updates at some point and you don't want to be reliant on a vendor who may not even exist for some critical new feature that changes everything.

[looks at giant conspiracies such as Weinstein, Epstein, P. Diddy]

No, I must definitely listen to these moral exemplars on who to vote for.

Is this why autocorrect always thinks I'm writing "duck"?

(Funny thing is it actually autocorrected to the other word while I was writing the joke on my phone lmfao)

ngl, for my morning piss it's probably gonna be all of the above for at least a moment.

There's far right loonies who want to ban books from elementary school libraries just because they're inappropriate.

Nay, I say. A pox on thee.

Obviously every book in the world should be in kindergartener's libraries. Elementary school libraries should be like the library of Alexandria except not burned to the ground, and filled with books that are no doubt totally acceptable.

Penthouse? If it's good enough for truck stop magazine racks it's good enough for a kindergartener.

Hustler? They should hustle on those printing presses because kindergarteners should have every back issue!

Mein Kampf? More like "mein kindergartener should read that"! After all, you know who wouldn't let a kindergartener read mein kampf? Hitler. Since he loved censorship.

Forget the versions of Mark Twain's books that remove racial slurs, we need to publish versions that are nothing but racial slurs or the bigots have already won!

The idea that young children should have what they see regulated in any way, why it's unAmerican. What's that, you say? I'm Canadian? Well of course, I don't want any of this in *my* kids libraries. But you, you should definitely get on that. It's a very principled stance for you to take.


CUPS, cups-filters, libcups, and libppd have vulnerabilities at level 9.9, basically "the big one" when it comes to vulnerabilities. Be advised.


256 Thread Intel Xeon 6900P....

That's starting to look like the number of execution units on a GPU. Absolutely crazy!

Carbon or no, we need to be resilient to climate changes. We can't assume the current climate realities will remain true because as you said we've seen it change a lot just within a short time of human history. The great depression was caused in part by a deceptive change in climate in the southwest that led to an economic and ecological catastrophe called the dust bowl occurred when the climate suddenly changed back. Within modern history a volcano erupted that was so powerful it led to something called "the year winter never ended" because so much dust was kicked up it blotted out the sun.

Hey guys, I figured it out. The Chinese are telling their investors they need to "work harder" but these American companies aren't good with accents so they hear "woke harder".

Seen it a million times, could happen to any of us.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in the past few years is that liberalism is a privilege you can only give to a moral people. To push liberalism while tearing down morality is to destroy liberalism. I think that's a feature of such people's plans, not a bug. They want dictatorship so they engineer the need for one.

Looks like that girl lost an arm so he's performing CPR badly. I'd cry too, she's probably not gonna make it.

How is Switzerland increasing industrial production so quickly?


AI fails to capture the essence of Trudeau, but the video is better than any actual Trudeau clip or Colbert clip from the past 15 years.
