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sj_zero | @sj_zero@social.fbxl.net

Author of The Graysonian Ethic (Available on Amazon, pick up a dead tree copy today)

Admin of the FBXL Network including FBXL Search, FBXL Video, FBXL Social, FBXL Lotide, FBXL Translate, and FBXL Maps.

Advocate for freedom and tolerance even if you say things I do not like

Adversary of Fediblock

Accept that I'll probably say something you don't like and I'll give you the same benefit, and maybe we can find some truth about the world.

Ah... Is the Alliteration clever or stupid? Don't answer that, I sort of know the answer already...

I forgot that the other side of the bill was a building that isn't finished (maximum downtown Winnipeg)

[Admin Mode] just switched IP addresses, so everything remained up but local users lost connectivity for a short while.

It would be nice if politicians just said what they meant and what they were going to do instead of what they thought was going to get them brownie points.

There's another side of this though, that a lot of people want exactly what this guy is talking about, but then they vote for someone who says they're going to do it and then they just don't do it.

Essentially, nobody's happy with politicians. No matter what model you think you're buying you're getting something else because they're not playing the same game as the rest of us.

Me looking at these rusty old computers: "I can fix her..."

But in reality, no I can't. At best I can take it on and throw it in my garage and then forget about it for the next 20 years until I have to clear that shelf off for some other project I'm going to ignore...

I think it's Ella Creamer commenting on someone else named Cat Bananahohanna or something.

I think a lot of us will never forget.

On the other hand, there's a lot of things that's more important in life than dwelling on it, so for now a lot of us can do is move forward and try to make tomorrow better than today.

I read an article recently that suggested that listening to earbuds for even moderate amounts of time at moderate volumes can cause hearing loss over time.

I basically live my entire life with an earbud in so I'm pretty bummed out, so for now what I've been trying to do is make sure I'm listening at the absolute minimum volume I can hear.

I started listening to podcasts again recently, and was really surprised to realize how much was just bad propaganda breathlessly cheerleading the state talking points. It became clear to me that I was better off without them.

In the case of what I'm talking about, it's a lot of market podcasts and the like, and there's a really simple metric: will listening to them give me useful insights into what either the economy or the markets will do, or will they make predictions that are wrong?

Not a podcast though similar to one, Maverick of Wall Street on YouTube has been a great example where the information on the show correctly predicts and explains things that are going on beyond just reading the headline numbers or what policymakers claim they're trying to to do.

Money is a complicated subject.

There are people for whom money is really all they need and if they had that then they'd be set. But there's a lot of people where if you gave them a million dollars, they would just be dead within a little while. Some people would just drink or drug themselves to death almost immediately. Some people would take that million dollars and use it unwisely, so even with a million dollars they would eventually just be broke again.

It's like almost anything that people think will make them happy. It might, and for a certain percentage of people it will, but often the thing that everyone thinks is the problem is just one problem of many. Once the one problem is taken care of, suddenly the other problems end up just coming to light.

On the other hand, there are people who earn a million dollars and are just fine. They have great relationships with their family, they're active in their community, they are responsible with their money so they never run out, maybe they go off and find a nice girl and make a nice life for themselves. Maybe they already have.

You see it in a lot of things, where certain people think that if only they can get the one thing then all their problems will go away. A lot of fat people think that if only they'd be skinny, then they'd be happy. But then you meet a bunch of people who get bariatric surgery, and they go from being fat and miserable to being skinny and miserable because they're just miserable people, and afterwards they don't even have being fat too and justify how miserable they are. You made a bunch of people who think that if they can just get a really good job that pays well, all their problems will go away. A lot of those guys have X wives and substance abuse problems because it turns out money doesn't solve all your problems, not by itself.

Sometimes you even see it with people who earn enough money to not be worried about money anymore, and they just kind of stop. Guys with half their lives ahead of them retire and sit down in a chair and that's that... They don't do anything else ever because they have enough money, they have a house around them, they can get the food they need... But if you talk to them you know that they're not happy, because getting the base of your hierarchy of needs taken care of isn't enough.

It even happens to people who are really successful financially, that they retire and they don't know what to do with themselves. There's people who make their entire careers off of helping retiring executives come up with some kind of plan because they got so much stability out of their actual work that once you take that part away the money by itself isn't enough.

But if you have money, and that lets you take care of all of your basics, and then you go out and you work on your relationships with other people and building a community and finding a mission for yourself, at that point the money can't buy happiness, it could be part of the recipe.

Around vets, never relax!

I mean that's not a low quality fact, that's just real. If you stare long enough into the pyramid on the top of the $1 bill you would know that.

>Officials from the University of Waterloo said the in-house emergency alert system didn't work as expected after the stabbings, adding the WatSAFE app had sent an alert to students 90 minutes after the incident.

Your tax dollars at work...

"Warning!!! Someone tried to stab you an hour and a half ago!"

Pictured: two Hollywood pedophiles. (Sorry Jay and silent Bob fans, never go to Hollywood)

I think it might have been 10 years ago he last streamed? I remember he just got on stream and angrily told people not to tell him how to play the game.

It's a real shame, because spoony made legitimately funny videos and entertaining, but I think that like a lot of these folks the brain damage from huffing his own farts every day eventually took its toll.

Imagine training your AI on Reddit and thinking you're going to detect anything other than the AIs those AIs trained on.

Crazy Cat lady

I'm really disappointed seeing a lot of people that I generally like on the left cheering for what is obviously a politically motivated case and conviction.

I just have to flip the question: if Donald Trump did to Democrat politicians what is happening to Donald Trump, would it or would it not be considered an attack on democracy?

The reason that Justice must be blind is that it shouldn't matter whether you like the person or not with respect to their treatment by the justice system. If everyone is suddenly going after one person solely because they don't like that person politically, whether you like it or not that is an actual threat to democracy.

The first assassination in Rome was of a populist politician, and after that assassination became a common tool. Eventually, Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon ending the age of the Roman Republic and beginning the age of the Roman empire, and the Rubicon would be crossed over and over again for centuries.

A few senators got together and thought that if only they could kill the one man, this Julius Caesar, then the Republic would be saved. After the assassination, another Caesar took his place, and another and another because the fundamental problems didn't really have anything to do with the one man, and instead pointed to a rot in Roman civilization.

Eventually, things would get so bad that the entire empire would collapse and everyone would be very happy that it finally collapsed because the lot of the common Man would be better then it had ever been.

Think about it for a minute, all of the democratic norms that were broken long before Donald Trump even entered politics. Both political parties voted for the USAPatriot act. Both political parties continued to vote to extend it. Both political parties kept Guantanamo Bay open. Both political parties voted to keep fisa courts running. Both political parties had a president in power who could have pardoned Edward Snowden, the hero whistleblower who spoke up when he saw widespread attacks on individual American civil liberties, yet definitively chose not to.

America has some big problems right now, and perhaps Donald Trump is even emblematic of those problems. But you can send many senators up to stab him in the back and all that's going to happen is another one's going to rise because the problems aren't him, they are America in decline.

Just like Julius Caesar, if you take out Donald Trump you aren't actually going to save the Republic because the problem with the Roman Republic was not Julius caesar, and the problem with the American Republic is not Donald Trump.

You're beautiful,
You're beautiful,
You're beautiful it's true
I saw your face
But you're an inferior race
And I don't know what to do
I can never date a jew

People think that voting absolutely can't change anything, but even up here in Canada people don't realize the 5% of the vote The People's party of Canada got wasn't enough to sway the election, but it was more than the green party got, and I do strongly believe that it helped tilt the mainstream conservative party towards Pierre Poilievre, somebody who's been outspoken about the right things unlike his predecessors who ran on being liberal lite.

A lot of things in life are a matter of faith. Why do you work hard? Why don't you go out and do drugs everyday? Why do you try to do right by your family and by your friends? There's no guarantee that any of this will pay off, but there is a guarantee that if you don't then it won't. In the same way, there's no guarantee and perhaps there's a high likelihood that voting is not going to help, but not voting has a 100% chance of not helping.


Trudy's actually her flying monkey.
